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"Coldar, did your dad finish my gauntlets?" Ryu asked as they took a seat. Coldar huffed.

"Not yet. The supplier sent inferior metal. Dad would never use that on any client, especially not "The heart." He said. Ryu stood before them, having shoved the three smaller boys into the last open seats.

"That's why I only use him." Ryu smirked. "Tell him no worries, just keep me updated." The bus zoomed into town. The first few stops were to businesses. The fourth was in the shopping district.

"We getting off?" Coldar asked, glancing at Nagisa.

"It's Hari." Nagisa said his mouth in a tight line.

"Nice leggings." Collin muttered.

"That's about all she is wearing!" Coldar cried.

"You know Hari Romanari?" A male voice said. "She is sexy as hell." He added.

"Ugh, I'm going to barf!" Nagisa dashed from the bus. The other three boys followed him. He turned his back on the huge billboard.

"I forgot her new album dropped last night." He said, sliding his hands into the over sized sweater he had on.

"Are you wearing anything under that?" Collin asked.

"Boxers." Nagisa smirked. He had the black and green sweater on with boots that came up to his mid calf.

"Oh man." Ryu moaned. Collin glanced back.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Nothing." The dragon shifter shook his head.

"Collin!" A cry came out of the crowd of people in line waiting for the mall to open. They all looked up. A girl a few years older than the teens stood in line. She had on a similar sweater as Nagisa. The color of the one she wore was blue. Her silvery blonde hair was in a braid down her back. She had black jeans on with sneakers. Her dark brown eyes darted out over the other boys.

"Nagisa put clothes on, damn it!" She cried.

"Cami, what the hell are you doing here?" he demanded. She huffed.

"Ugh, mom is being unbearable!" she rolled her eyes.

"Why? What's wrong?" Collin asked.

"Oh no, you haven't heard!" Cami's eyes grew round as she held her hands covered in the sweater up to her mouth

"What? Is mom ok?" Nagisa felt his chest tightening. It had only been that morning he had spoken to Ryu about his mom. Cami giggled.

"Oh, she is better than ok!" she rolled her eyes. Glancing down the line of people waiting, she lifted the rope for them to duck under.

"Apparently, those late night meetings her and Uncle Isaac have been having weren't all for the shop." Cami said in a slightly loud whisper.

"What!?" Coldar snickered.

"Say it isn't so!!!" Collin moaned. Nagisa smirked.

"We can be brosins!" Nagisa laughed.

"Brosins?" Cami arched her brow.

"Brothers and Cousins!" Nagisa giggled.

"Well, whatever you want to call it, dad is furious." Cami said. She then realized that someone else had joined them. She looked up at the tall dragon shifter.

"You look familiar." She said.

"Ryu Queensire." Nagisa introduced them. "This is my older sister Cami. Where's Carter?" he asked as Ryu greeted the girl.

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