In life or death

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Nagisa stood frozen near the front door as his, along with everyone elses eyes, went to the bedroom door. There was a thud. Reginald ripped the portal open. Marcus was on the ground wrestling with his blankets. Lily was still asleep in the bed, their window firmly closed. Xavier dodged around his father, lending his assistance to his eldest brother. Offering out a hand, he pulled the man to his feet.

“Damn, I haven’t seen you move like that since...” Xavier stopped as both of them looked toward Nagisa.

“I haven’t felt like this since then.” Marcus stated.

“Are you well?” Krystal asked.

Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. No one saw the half dragon kick free of the table. He slammed into his father, forcing the vampire back. His foot was heading for Marcus’ face. The full vampire had been a legend in his own time. He had spent the last sixteen years as a shadow of his former self. Even so, he worked to maintain whatever aability he had. Mori had made time to spare with his brother. Now he was testing him.

Marcus fell back, his hands flying toward the foot. He pushed it aside. Whipping around, he caught Mori under the chin as the half dragon swung back with the blade in his hand. Marcus’ hands were wrapped around the others wrist. Mori glared into the red eyes of his brother. The only thing keeping him from being slammed across the room was Marcus holding on his wrist.

Marcus grinned at seeing the look on the pale face of his sibling. He straightened upright. Keeping ahold of Mori, Marcus held him until the half dragon was able to get his feet back under him.

“You’re fast.” Mori nearly pouted.

“Actually, that was pretty slow for him.” Faraday pointed out, her taloned nails digging into her elbows as she crossed her arms studding her brother.

“We need to rest up. Xavier allows Marcus to take the first watch with the elf child.” Reginald insisted.

“Lets go get the balnkets.” Nagisa walked out with the dragon, werewolf, and vampire surrounding him.

“Nags?” Marcus called. The boy glanced over his shoulder.

“The dagger I gave you?” Marcus asked. Nagisa bent, pulling the blade from his boot. He hefted it in one hand.

“It never felt like mine.” He stated, flinging it across the two rooms. Marcus plucked it easily out of the air. He smirked.

“Because I had it custom fitted for me.” He grinned wickedly. The door was closed as the four boys were left out in the corridor.

“Do you think he is really back?” Collin asked.

“It’s possible. Mom was amazing at her work before...” Coldar shrugged.

“It’s also possible that it will have a limited effect.” Nagisa whispered.

 They walked around the corner. Halfway down this hall, they turned another corner. A man with grass green hair stood bathed in the moonlight coming from the window. Nagisa sprang in front of the dragon shifter.

“Vashnna, it’s me!” Nagisa cried. The elf stood up from the fighting stance. He was a quiet sort.

“We came to get blankets for everyone.” Nagisa pointed to the door he had been headed to. The elf gave a swift nod. He slipped back into the shadows but kept watch over the teens.

Once loaded down with the supplies, they began to walk back. Nagisa led the way. As they reached the door to the apartment, the castle shook. Ryu caught Nagisa falling.

“What was that?” he asked as the castle stabilized.

“Not sure, but I don’t think it was good.” Nagisa sprang forward to open the door.

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