Portrait of misery

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As the night wore on, more people came up to Nagisa thanking him for their outfits. Xavier walked beside a glowing Fenn. The centaur was wearing his blue shimmering suit as if it were a waterfall. He shined in the minimal lighting. Grinning, he pulled Nagisa into a tight hug. His eyes darted to the dragon shifter at the boys' side when he heard a low growl.

"Easy, Ryu, just thanking the imp for my outfit." Fenn winked.

"How many of these did you create?" Xavier asked, waving his hand to indicate the party guests.

"About half." Nagisa smiled happily, seeing his creations in motion. The smile slipped from his lips as his mouth fell open.

"Holy shit, Dad!" He gasped.

Xavier turned. Their father was on the dance floor with a male elf about half a head shorter than the regal vampire. The flowing wave of colorless hair floated around the pointed ears as the elf expertly matched the Romanari's dance style perfectly.

"He has never openly flaunted a male relationship!" Xavier gushed.

"Looks like you're wearing off on him, little man." Ozzie commented, coming up behind Nagisa.

"Did you see..." Cami cried as she clutched her brothers arms. Nagisa could only nod. It was as if the entire room were watching them.

"Xav, take Fenn out." Nagisa commanded.

He grabbed Ryu's arm, pulling him to the dance floor. Seeing Collin beside Coldar watching, the two toned haired vampire nodded. Collin pulled the werewolf out to the dance floor. Wyvern appeared leading a thin lipped Mori. Carter helped Race out. Akara snagged Cami's hand as Faraday and Hari moved out to dance together.

"Why does it feel like I'm suddenly the token straight guy in my family?" Marcus muttered to Ozzie. The half werewolf looked over at him, bemused.

"Hell, after living with Nagisa for so long, I think the rest of us just feel like we don't need to hide it if we love someone of the same sex." Ozzie pointed out.

"You are dumber than dog shit, but every so often, you do get a good line in." Marcus smirked at his younger brother.

"Ouch, tell me how you really feel!" Ozzie teased back.

Marcus rolled his eyes at his dramatic brother. "That kid has changed us all." He stated instead of saying anything more about the teasing.

"Since the moment he came squawking into this world." Ozzie sipped his drinkable as they both watched their youngest sibling dancing with the huge shifter.

"Why can't he see how that guy looks at him?" Marcus shook his head. Ozzie snorted.

The night wore on. Slowly, the older generation left the partying to the kids. The music became louder, the dances more wild. It was apparent someone spiked the punch as more people began throwing up. Ryu had yanked Nagisa out of the way of someone projectile vomiting.

Nagisa found his two best friends outside, looking up at the stars. He leaned against the side of the building next to them.

"A beautiful night, huh." He asked. His eyes went to where their hands were joined together. He couldn't deny the ache he felt in his chest. Neither one had ever said they were into the same gender, yet here they found each other. Meanwhile, everyone around him knew Nagisa was gay, yet no one ever bothered to ask him out.

"Yeah, it is." Coldar answered. He smiled back at Nagisa.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he demanded, pulling away from the tall vampire.

"Nothing." Nagisa shook his head. He gave them a weak smile.

"You guys enjoy your night." He waved, pushing himself off of the wall. He staggered a bit as he walked in the huge heavy shoes.

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