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Nagisa walked out into the sunlight. He glanced around the cobbled walk. There he stood, leaning against the lamp post. Collin was checking his phone. His auburn locks shinning in the afternoon sunlight. As Nagisa approached he saw the bushes behind the other teen rustle. Catching a flash of blond hair, he smirked.

Coldar burst from the bushes. His hands grabbing the vampire by the shouldes. Collin tossed his phone in the air as he screamed out. His flags jutting into place, he hissed at the werewolf. Coldar was laughing hard at the look on the startled vampire's face. Nagisa caught the phone.

"Oh, Collin, did you know Coldar was attending school with us?" he asked innocently

"You're both jerks!" Collin huffed snatching his phone out of his cousin's hand.

"But you love us?" Coldar wrapped his arms around the vampire. There was only a small difference in the pairs height. The werewolf rubber his cheek against the shoulder of the vampires dark shirt.

"Get off me!" Collin hissed. "I don't want to smell like wet dog!" He shoved at the other teen.

"No, say you love me!" Coldar insisted. Collin began to walk, trying to get the werewolf to let him go. He acted like he didn't like the other teen, but he couldn't help the smile slowly growing on his face. Nagisa moved up to them. He wrapped his arm around Collin's waist.

"Say you love us, Collin." Nagisa pleaded as he groped his cousin.

"You two are insane!" He giggled trying to free himself. "Get off of me!" He laughed as the boys began to tickle him. "Stop it!" he cried.

"Omg, is that a rouge werewolf?" A female voice cried out.

"What is wrong with it?"

"It looks demonic!" other cries filled the air.

"You don't think...?" Collin met Nagisa's gaze.

"SHIT!" The three boys yelled. They were almost to the center of the schools admin buildings. This was where all the students would have to pass through to get to the welcome luncheon.

"Stand back, I got this." A deep voice ordered.

"NO!" Nagisa screamed. He rushed into the center. He saw the werewolf walking on all fours. The dark fur was in patches along the leathery back. It's legs were longer, more skeletal than a normal werewolves. The face was boney. It looked more bat like than dog. The ears that stuck out, were curved inward, again they appeared to look more like a bats than a wolf. The deep red eyes flashed around.

Nagisa took in the sight. A large dark haired teen was reading a throwing knife. The wolf was across from it. The stupid wolf didn't even look upset that someone was going to try to kill it. When those dark red eyes fell to Nagisa, is maw broke out in a silly grin. Tongue lolling out as it pranced toward the small boy.

"NO!" Collin screamed. Him and Coldar darted for the large teen. Nagisa leapt between the wolf and the teen. His arms wrapping around the wolves neck, dropping to his knees, he shielded it with his own body.

"Don't hurt him, he isn't rouge!" Nagisa cried clutching the beasts fur. He turned to see the boy who had greeted him near the flag pole. "He's my brother!" Nagisa yelled.

The werewolf and vampire had reached the dragon shifter. They barely came up past his chest as they both wrapped their arms around him. Coldar managed to grip the others throwing wrist.

"What?" the teen froze gaping, not at the two holding him, but the boy hugging the wolf.

"He's my brother." Nagisa repeated. "Please don't hurt him." He begged. "I'm not sure why he came to school this way, but I'm guessing he doesn't have clothes." He added seeing the dragon shifter lower his arm.

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