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They fell asleep after kissing, nudging, laughing, and all around, just being stupid together. Nagisa was cradled in the large protective dragon's arms as the night waned. Ryu held the small thin body against his. It’s warmth, making him smile as sleep pulled him into its embrace. It wasn’t until they heard the snickered laughing that they woke.

Xavier stood beside Leon, who held one hand up. He was slowly sending the vines back into the earth. The morning sun was about halfway to its climax. If Nagisa was going to guess, it must be around nine. He blinked, rubbing one fisted hand into his eye.

“Cute.” Ryu chuckled under him. Nagisa slapped a hand over his face.

“No talking.” He growled.

He turned to smile down at the dragon shifter. Bending his head, he kissed the slightly puffy lips. Ryu wrapped his arms around the thin black clad waist. He pulled the slim body higher up on his chest. Nagisa fisted his hands into the long silken black locks.

“Um, does this mean you guys are good?” Xavier asked.

Nagisa held a hand up, his thumb pointed upwards while he twirled his tongue around the dragon shifters. Ryu chuckled against him. He pulled free of the vampire.

“I think a twig is poking me in the back.” He bemoaned. Nagisa laughed.

“That’s what you get for being my bed!” He giggled.

“I would squash you!” Ryu cried. Nagisa rolled his eyes.

He immediately got off of the dragon. Standing up, he glanced over at his brother. Then, he turned his head, looking around. He brought his gaze back to Xavier. Arching one eye brow, he eyed the half nymph with a scathing look. Xavier didn’t meet his gaze directly.

“Hey!” Xavier nervously rubbed at his neck. Nagisa stalked up to him.

“You lost him!” He hissed. Xavier bit his lip, still not meeting the younger teens' eyes.

“Not exactly.” He muttered.

Nagisa crossed his arms. He tapped a foot as he eyed the older male. Xavier squirmed under his unwavering glare.

“OK!” He cried. “Damn you look too much like her! Yes, I lost him!” He broke.

“When was the last time you saw him?” Nagisa demanded.

“Um right after you guys were locked away.” Xavier made a face backing up.

He didn’t get far enough. Nagisa kicked out from a near stationary pose. The blow hit the older sibling in the gut. Xavier tripped over a root at the same time. Tumbling backward, he landed up against a rock.

“You didn’t think to look for him!” Nagisa yelled.

“I was busy!” Xavier hollered back.

“What’s with all the shouting?” The two brothers turned to see Ozzie yawning. He came walking up to them, scratching his wild mane of hair. It was sticking out all over his head.

“Where were you?” His brothers yelled.

Ozzie rubbed his stomach. He carelessly plucked a twig from a branch over his head. Sticking one end in his mouth, he gazed at the two, glaring at him. He pointed to Xavier.

“While you were getting pounded by the horse, and you…” He pointed to Nagisa. “Were trying to figure out why a guy would like you, I..” he jammed his thumb against his chest. “Saw the opportunity to have some freedom. I’m not a shut-in! I need outside!” Ozzie howled.

“Outside is trying to kill you!” Nagisa hissed.

“Relax, I kept an eye on him.” The quite dark shadow of a man came dropping down from the trees.

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