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“You see, I am a half bread.” Nagisa spoke in the darkness. He did nothing to make it easier for him to see, he didn’t half too. His vampiric vision worked fine here.

He cut lines into his arms. Using the blood, he began to make symbols an his face. He would switch to his arms, then legs next. As he worked, he spoke to the being that still hovered near. Nagisa knew the rogue hadn’t gone far.

“I am only half vampire. A full, born vampire is far more powerful than I am.” He smirked.

Striving off his explanation long enough to chant some magic into the symbols he was creating, he picked back up with his narrative.

“My other half, well that’s an interesting thing. See, my siblings, the twins. They are half vampire and technically half human. Mom wasn’t a witch when they were born. They do have Romanari blood in them. Which made them vampires.” He paused again to chant some more.

“Father gave mother an ultimatum, become a witch, or leave her children forever.” Nagisa chuckled as he worked on his body.

“So, mom did just as she was asked. She became a witch. But, my mother strived for the best.” He paused to chant again.

“She didn’t want to learn a craft from just any witch, nope my sweet, endearing, headstrong, stubborn mother decided if she was to become a witch, she wanted to learn from the best.” He finished up his arms. Already, he had blood marks on what he could reach of his back, chest, and his face. He went to work on his legs.

“I don’t know how she got her attention. What she even had to do to convince her to take on an apprentice, but mother picked the most powerful witch alive.” He chanted the magic into the blood symbols.

“I was born shortly after she became a full witch.” Nagisa continued. “So, I can claim that I am half witch. Not human.” He offered.

It took a few more minutes for him to cut, get enough blood, then draw the symbols over his legs.

“There is a strong downside to my witch half.” He stated. “I am what they call a blood witch. I learned to use my blood as my source of power. This means, if I bleed too much, my power drains quickly.” He offered up.

“Plus being half vampire, I don’t need to drink blood often. A few times a month.” He shrugged as he chanted.

“I haven’t drank in a while. So, I’m weaker in that since as well.” He stood now. His body covered in his own blood. Each symbol he had, painstakingly, drawn had glowed as he chanted over it. Now, they sat as dark as the air around him.

“That being said. I really shouldn’t have used my witch side to fight today. Wasn’t even planning on it, but that last fight with the beasts you created drained my venom. I’m weaker now than ever.”

He heard the slight shuffle of the rogue. As he expected, the thing couldn’t help but listen in. It wanted the explanation. It felt as if it was gaining invaluable information. In reality, Nagisa was just blowing smoke. A deception, if you will. Something not uncommon to what performing magicians do. He was creating something for the man to focus on in order to hide what he was truly doing.

“Do you know who the first witch was?” he asked.

The silence answered him. He waited as he heard nothing from the man whose presence he could taste on the air. Letting out a little sigh, Nagisa decided to enlighten the man.

“It was a woman named Aradia. She was said to be fathered by Lucifer himself.” Here, Nagisa paused, chuckling.

“Not my brother, but the demon king. Aradia was said to be part demon, part goodness, and one hell of a witch!” As he said the last word, his entire body lit up.

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