• Chapter 2 • Bat out of hell •

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Since Edom wasn't a thread anymore, having a normal day felt quite eerie, even hunting common demons seemed like a hobbie more than a duty.

-Good morning, big brother. -Izzy jawned, while stretching, taking a sit next to Alec afterwards. It mattered little that she had just woken up, she was looking as stunning as usual.

Yet, as soon as Isabelle appeared, Alec closed his book and keep it upside down on his lap, right under the table.

-Hi... -Replied, taking a sip of coffee, attempting to pretend nothing happened.

-What were you reading? -She tilted her head, while pouring orange juice into her glass.
As Matt, she wasn't a big fans of books, but growing with Alec made her curious about them.

-Nothing... Just... Demon stuff.

-Oh, come on, last night was horrible enough, I don't need demons. -Giggling, she offered Alec a croissant, he shook his head and drunk more coffee.

Isabelle could be pretty insistent some times, but he was glad that she seemed to be in a good mood and not willing to ask more questions.

-Simon is playing tonight, at the Hunter's moon. After the dinner with mum and dad, he wanted to cheer me up. He is cute, isn't he? -Her elbows were on the table, her face on her hands, while proudly grinning, as a teenager in love would do.
Did Alec smiled the same way when being with Magnus? He hoped not.

-He's cool for dodging death, but cute? -The boy showed an obvious disgust. -No way.

Izzy rolled her eyes, at the same time she laughed. Well, at least Simon would be free from other pretenders.

-Okay, diferent tastes, I get it. But don't be late. 8 pm at the Hunter's Moon.

Of course he wouldn't be late, if he came just one minute after that hour she indicated, Izzy would kill him.
Even if parties were not his thing, his little sister was excited, ergo, Alec wanted to maintain that smile on her face.

The rest came a few minutes later, joining breakfast and Alec, taking advantage of their distraction, hid the book inside his jacket.
When doing it, something popped into his mind, something crazy, but, from the book's point of view, it could work.


He barely raised his fist with the intention to knock the door, when it opened, aparently, no one was behind it.

Alec hesitated before entering, cautiously watching the living room.
As usual, it had that citrus scent, combined with the one coming from book pages, sweet and bitter from potions.
Everything was in order, a reassuring calm involving his surroundings.

-Welcome, pretty boy.

The sudden voice startled him, but it took him a second to turn around, encountering with Magnus, leaning against the door, arms crossed, a grin on his face.

-Hi... -Alec stayed there, not sure if he should approach or not. -Are you free?

-Depending for what.

Magnus absentmindly played with his ringed fingers, until his cat eyes were fixed on Alec's.
He could sense the boy's cute awkwardness, his eagerness to say something more, but the warlock supposed he needed a little help.

-For you, I'm always free.

Of course he was, every one not having time for Alec Lightwood was definitely insane.

Those words seemed to play a good effect on Alec, since Magnus could enjoy his smile. Actually, the Shadowhunter approached him, as if he was a wild tiger about to hunt his prey, slow but precise steps. Not that Magnus care, that boy could devour him if he wanted.

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