• Chapter 17 • Hide and seek •

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They had information about the connection between Lilith an Amereth, they new they had little time to plan their journey, however, they had no idea why Harry's Pentagram still ached as if it was burning.
Of course, the least thing the boy wanted was to be a burden for the team.
His magic and his runes seemed to work less than before and without those things, he would be useless.
Nevertheless, his determination to find a solution was stronger and as soon as the following morning arrived, he went to the place where answers could be found if you knew where to look.

Once, Magnus specified that Taki's was the perfect place if you wanted to find Shadowhunters or every kind of Downwolder.
Simon added that the best way to avoid conflict in that place, was keeping a low profile.
However, risks were necessary from time to time, that was something he learnt from Matt.

-Good morning. Green tea, please.

The faerie attending in the bar couldn't hide her disgusted and confused expression, since the clients, regardless ir being early in the morning, usually asked for alcohol not tea.
Harry kept staring at her with a kind and sweet smile until the green-skined faerie went to prepare his tea.

In the meantime, with curious puppy eyes, the boy watched his surroundings, the multiple wooden tables and strange objects hanging on the walls as a way of decoration.
A wide variety of Downwolders occupied the tables, chatted, ate and drunk.
Some of them argued and other laughed, making Harry wonder about their conversations, making him love even more the diversity of the Downworld, the variety that hid in New York.
Shadowhunters could be detected in the crowd, playing cards with some warlocks.
He might be so naive for wanting to join their chats, for thinking that it was always so peaceful between Downworlders and Shadowhunters.

-Green tea.

The faerie placed the white cup with the greenish liquid on the bar and left the boy alone before he could thank her.
Nevertheless, he took a sip from the cup, feeling the hot tea warming his body, almost traspassing his gloves.
The reassuring sensation helped him think about which quenstions he could ask and to who.
It would be too much saying that he was Edom's King, and that the kingdom was calling for him through the pentagram.


At the sound of that name, Harry's thoughts instantly vanished and his eyes looked around, in search of his brother, but he only saw next to him a short girl, dark-skinned and with curly hair.
Her brown eyes watched his curiously, slightly tilting her head.
For a moment, Harry believed that Magnus was there, but then, he understood what was going on.

-Oh... I'm not Magnus, I'm his twin. -And he said that with a smile full of proudness, the most honest of all.

And that was the moment when Maia noticed those differences: no cat eyes, no glittery make-up, no spiky hair or fancy clothes.
Magnus had a twin? She could have never imagined such thing.
Luckily, he was wearing a jacket, if not, his runes would have been even more shocking for her.

-Wow... I thought that one Magnus was enough... -She chuckled, slightly shaking her head. Of course he wasn't Magnus, the warlock would have asked for a cocktail, not a tea. -I'm Maia, I met your brother and his friends a while ago. Where were you hiding?

Even if she didn't know him, Maia seemed quite friendly and that was more than enough for Harry, who grinned.
His shyness would never prevent him from making new friends.

-I've been busy, but now I'm staying in New York.

Maia was about to ask another question, until a warewolf smashed another one against a table, completely cracking it.
Some of the clients paid no attention, since they must be used to that, others, yelled and cheer them in order to encourage the fight.

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