• Chapter 6 • Music box •

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Ten was left at the infirmary as the group went to the corridor, since the issue needed to be solved as soon as possible.

-You can't be seriously considering helping her.

But no replying to Isabelle was the best answer, not the one she was expecting, but the best.

-We're Shadowhunters, our duty is to help Downwolders, right? -Simon spoke quite frightened, it may not be the best option to question Isabelle, but his kind soul couldn't help it.

-We've already taken and cured her, it's more than enough. I'm not into this nonsense.

She didn't wait even a second longer. The girl just left, despite their friends' calls.
That actitude was not common in Isabelle, and they were sure it was not just due to the lack of sleep.

-Maybe Izzy is right and we shouldn't do it. -Jace looked at the rest with his arms crossed. -We know nothing about Ten, we all know she could manipulate the truth, as every faerie.

-And why does she wants that object back so bad? She wouldn't be asking a bunch of Shadowhunters to help her if it wasn't important. -Of course, Alec couldn't trust the faerie either.

Magnus and Harry looked at each other sideways, Magnus leaning against the wall, apparently absentmind, but actually paying close attention.
For Harry, it wasn't thay easy to intervine, he was too unbiased.
Once, he had been that stranger to them too and now that Ten was, he really wanted to help, but deep inside, he also knew the situation was eerie.

-We've spent a month without any threats, just common demons, and this time nothing strange is happening appart from Ten's arrival... Maybe we're just too sketpical after Edom.

Clary could be right, but also wrong and endanger her life by helping Ten. Yet, they all had clear she would chose the second option anyway.
Just like Simon, she was raised between mundanes, she had brought with her to the Shadow World a kind heart, as her Parabatai.

-Okay... Why don't we ask her to tell us about that object? Then we do some research... -Matt's words, caught everyone's attention as he kept talking. -If the object turns out to be something dangerous, we won't help her... But if it's just a family heirloom or something like that, we give her a hand.

It wasn't rare that Matt wanted to face that challenge, that he needed something different, and he was intelligent, he knew that by being impartial, he would convince the rest.

-Do as Matthew says.

Magnus, who had been quiet the whole time, decided to speak, and, as usual, everyone was paying attention to him.
Those kids needed someone to put some order.

-Tell Harry and me about that object and we'll investigate, then, you decide.

It seemed simple, they even agreed and Matthew, couldn't be more satisfied with his idea. In fact, he approached Magnus before following the others to the infermery.

-Thanks, Magnus, for trusting me. -He said, with the biggest smile.

-I trust you... And your idea was as convincing as you wanted. -Magnus' cat eyes focused on the hazel ones, noticing that stubborness, that endless flame. He remembered their first date, how Matt spoke to those warewolfs as equals, and Magnus appreciated, but that boy was too impulsive, sometimes too focused on obtaining what he wanted. -If you want to help that girl, regardless of what we find out, it's fine, but you can't drag the rest with you. You can't drag my brother.

Not that Magnus was angry or concerned, he just spoke facts, he just wanted to make sure that the obvious bond between his twin and Matt didn't force Harry's kind heart to do something too dangerous.
Of course he was an adult, a very grown one and he had to do what he wanted, but Magnus was still his big brother.

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