• Chapter 12 • New Paragraph •

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It was obviously true that they scaped that horrible cave, that they all woke up outside the museum, touching the cold and wet floor, not knowing how could they got out.
However, Matt's mind seemed to still be stuck there, hearing those voices, watching those scenes.
Even when his world stopped due to seeing Alec like that: bleeding and unconscious.
He couldn't help but think about what would have happened if they didn't get out of there.

The morning had come and he remained awake in his room since the previous night.
He wished he could feel something, he wished he could go to Alec's room and embrace him so tight that the world cracked.
But that wouldn't happen, not for the moment, the boy needed to find the strength, to move on from those hallucinations, and the first thing might be to get rid of that crystal shard he found on his jacket and which he refused to throw away.
Actually, his hazel eyes stared how those lights changed with the ones coming from the sun and wondered if those scenes would be projected again on that small piece.

Maybe that knock on the door was the only thing he reacted to, so he put the crystal shard inside his pocket and reincorporated, now sitting down on the bed, back against the headboard.

-Come in.

Matt's heart finally started to unfreeze a little when Harry came in.
The hazel-eyed boy could swear that once again, there was something moving inside his chest, that little by little he could clear the fog around him.

The other boy was that ray of sunshine in the dark, smiling, spreading peace and joy.
When he sat on the bed next to Matt, his grin turned even brighter.

-I thought you would be sleeping... I didn't want to wake you up last night.

-It's okay... -He wouldn't tell he didn't sleep at all, he refused to worry Harry. -Is everyone awake already? Alec?

-They are inside their rooms, we are all exausted. And Alec should be fine, Magnus stayed with him the whole night.

And instantly, a proud grin formed on Harry's face, sure that his twin took good care of Alec.
For Matt it was also a relieve, despite being concerned for his little brother, he trusted Magnus.
It might be easier to feel something else, something stronger when those intrusive thoughts left his mind.

Harry noticed the other boy was kind of zoned out and didn't hesitate to leave on the bed that object he brought with him, convered with a piece of cloth.
Afterwards, he came closer to Matt, slowly, as if he was afraid of startling him.

-Is everything alright? Do you need something?

Not even Matt knew what to answer to that, so he did the best thing he could: take Harry's face with one hand and break the little distance between both of them.
Their lips met in a soft kiss, neither of them moved much, the thing both most wanted was to taste each other, to savour again their lips and feel their lungs full of oxygen.

Harry's hands travelled to Matt's arms, which he caressed as the Shadowhunter put his free hand on Harry's lower back, his fingers caressing it, sending shivers through his spine.
Kissing after going through such adventure was a reward for Harry, he wasn't conscious of how much he would miss those lips, the way the other boy made him feel special with every touch.

-What's troubling you? -But he wasn't so naive, he noticed certain and eerie insecurity in Matt, as if he was trying hard to get drunk with kisses and forget about that thing that bothered him.

Between soft and tender kisses, the half warlock patiently waited for an answer, as Matt pressed his lower back with his fingers instantly.
Couldn't they just kiss and forget about everything?

-Not now... -Muttered the hazel eyed boy, his hands now taking Harry's wrists, making him approach even more. Then, he took his face between his hands and deepened the kiss.

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