• Chapter 16 • Partners in crime

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The previous night hadn't been the best for any of them, not even Matt could wake up late as he used to, the more time he spent in his bed, the more overwhelmed he felt, as if the covers choked him.

He opted for going outside of the Institute, and feel the  the cold breeze directly on his skin, hoping it  would had the capacity to wake him up or ease that pressure inside his chest that consumed him.

Overthinking wasn't his style at all, but love had a cruel way of acting sometimes.

-You haven't slept at all, right? You look horrible.

At the sound of that voice, Matt turned around and showed a faint smile, raising his eyebrows.
His brother appeared just in time, as he always did, even when he didn't pretend it.
Their connection had that beautiful mania of dragging them together.

-We're twins, if I look horrible, then you too.

Both of them laughed, realising some of that ache inside their souls, it was still a mystery how could someone you love had the power to warm your heart with just a word or a touch.
Nevertheless, soon Matt sighed, leaning against the trunk of the oak tree, at the same time that he rubbed his face. He madly wanted those hammering thoughts to leave his mind.

-Right now I need...

But he couldn't finish the sentence, Alec was already offering him a cup of coffee.
It wasn't a secret that it was Matt's medicine, obyously not the healthiest, but it would do for the moment.

-That's my twin... And also...

Then, Alec took from his pocket a chocolate bar, with milk and traces of peanuts.
No detail escaped Alec, specially if it was his twin the one they were talking about.

-Great service. -With a smile, Matt fondly ruffled his twin's hair and instantly took both the coffee and the bar.
The blue-eyed boy wasn't a fan of sweets and that moment reminded Matt of their childhood moments where Alec always gave him his chocolate.

-What is bothering you?

There was no point on lying to Alec, he needed no more than a gaze to know that something was going on.

-Harry's not feeling good... I'm gonna accompany him to Magnus' place, they need to talk.

The bitter and warm coffee soon. reached his mouth, comforting his body, caffeine giving him that energy boost he needed. But for how long?
That was the thing that worried the most to Alec, that his big brother often lost control over his emotions.

-And you? How are you feeling? -Despite the fact that Alec was his twin, sometimes it was hard to identify his emotions, even more now that he was romantically involved with Magnus. Love was able to externalize a person's hidden aspects.

How was he feeling? Good question.
As much as he tried to keep the situation under control, there were certain things that weren't his duty to solve.

-Magnus, Harry and you should know what Ten told us, last night, you dissappeared. -And for the first time, he didn't blame Matt for running away with his lover, he also wanted to run away with Magnus.

-She said bad stuff, right?

The hazel-eyed boy took a sip of his coffee, Alec watched him, slightly shaking his head.

-Okay, really bad... -The boy nodded and sighed, finishing his coffee. -So come with Harry and me, not the ideal double date but at least is something.

It wasn't precisely a humorous situation, but Alec appreciated Matt's efforts, so he payed him back with a tiny smirk and patted his shoulder.

-I have to talk to Magnus too...

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