Chapter 35 • The Shadowhunters Academy

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-No, absolutely not. I am not going to that place.

-Matt... -Alec sighed. He had anticipated that could happen. -It is our only chance right now.

-The Shadowhunters Academy is for kids, no way. -He rolled his eyes, sat on a chair, next to the counter where Isabelle was sitting, his arms crossed. -Tessa can send us useful information or whatever.

-You know you will end up going even if you don't want. -Izzy chuckled, taking a cup.
It was rare that her big brother didn't want to join the adventure, but that made it easier to tease him.

-I am not stepping a foot in that filthy place.


-And this is the top floor. Those rooms are empty and the director told me there is no problem with you using them.

The woman calmly walked followed by the gang, making sure to not forget any detail, reading from time to time her notes.

-Thank you, Tessa... I am sure that your help will be useful. -Alec gave her a smile, which she returned.
He must admit, even if he wanted to be home, that the place seemed to be interesting with all those floors, old books, luminous and dark rooms, a combination of old and newer furniture.

-I am glad to help. Magnus told me he would arrive this afternoon, by the way.

-Yes, we talked this morning.

Then, her eyes met Alec's and unavoidably, she couldn't hold back her next words.

-Congratulations for your engagement. Don't believe the ones who say that marriage is overrated. -How happy she was for Magnus, and for Alec. To her, Magnus was that big brother she always needed, and was sure that Alec was his other half, the one that would never leave his side, the one he had craved for centuries.

-But it is...

Alec stepped on Matt's foot on purpose the moment he said that and heard him groan in pain. Yet, the blue-eyed boy smiled, satisfied and nodded.

-I won't, be sure. Thank you, again.

-My pleasure. I'll let you settle, we'll reunite before dinner time.

And saying no more, the woman and Harry shared a tight hug before she left through the corridor. Her steps became soundless and she disappeared in the shadows a few seconds later, by the time they entered their rooms.

Clary, Jace, Izzy and Simon would share one and Matt, Harry, Alec and Magnus the other.

Matt carelessly left the bag with his stuff on the floor next to the bed and laid down, arms behind his head and a look far from being a friendly one.

-Come on, stop being that grumpy. It is not my favourite place either, but at least we are not arms crossed at the Institute. -Alec sat on the window seal, looking outside at Idris' enormous crystal towers, the houses, the green mountains and lakes. Even if it was considered Shadowhunters' home, he would never feel that way. Without noticing, he was playing with his ring, looking at it pretty lost in thoughts.

Harry, on the other hand, felt as the main character of one of his books, in that fantasy world, full of grin, purple, blue, green reflections shining brighter due to the sun, enormous lakes and waterfalls. Maybe he wasn't fully a Shadowhunter, but he had to admit he could get used to that place.

-Well, being here doesn't give us answers. Nothing assures us that Tessa will find something... -Normally, he tried to see the positive side, to enjoy every adventure, but when he was so frustrated, he just couldn't.

-You seemed happier when going to Eruleum.

-Dad wasn't there...

It wasn't precisely the runes issue that made him so uneasy and act like that, but the thought of their father being in Idris as well and the probability of having to talk with him.

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