Chapter 38 • Him •

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Could it be considered a relief knowing that Jace, Clary and Simon had been going through the exact same pain as Alec? Probably not. If the Parabatai runes were starting to be affected, they couldn't lose a second more.

Brother Zachariah watched the gang gather together, explaining how that connection between Parabatai seemed to be weaker, as Simon said: "like a crappy WI-FI connection".

Jem very well knew that feeling, he needed no description. Those memories could be recalled as if they happened just a few seconds ago.

From time to time, Magnus lifted his gaze from Alec's eyes to watch both Jem and Tessa muttering next to the door, or better said, Tessa's lips moving and Jem's eyes staring, silently communicating with her.

A few minutes passed before he silently left the room. Tessa watched him vanishing in the corridor's darkness and then approached the gang, everyone watching clearly concerned, eager at the same time for what she had to say.

-Brother Zachariah will look up for some books in the library that might be helpful, I will join him too, but first I would like to ask how are you feeling.

Matt raised his eyebrows as if it was the most stupid question ever. Even if he knew the woman had good intentions, he couldn't help but worry about his twin and the Parabatai bond. He surprised himself when hesitating to answer with harsh words, probably it was due to the soft brush of Harry's shoulder against his. He was the only one keeping him sane. Besides, they didn't need any sarcasm at  the moment, not even Jace was in the mood.

-It's weird... We are running out of time, are we? -Alec's blue eyes stared from Jace to Tessa, directly, searching for the truth, not for comforting words. Magnus gently held his hand and pressed his lips on it. He had no doubt that Alec wished badly to search himself, to go to the end of the World if necessary to find answers.

-I am afraid we are...

What else could she say? She couldn't lie to them, no matter how much she desired to protect them.

-I will accompany you to the library, or anywhere you want that can be helpful. We will find a way. -Kind as usual, Harry gave her a comforting smile, sweet, full of honest hope.

She returned the smile and Magnus had to admit how powerful it could be to stay positive, to hold out a hand during the darkest time. That was his twin's power: spreading warmth, alleviation with just a smile.

-You see, darling? We are not giving up. -Magnus focused again on his Shadowhunter, his hands carefully cupping Alec's face and leaving a tender kiss on his forehead.

Alec nodded and his finger brushed Magnus' hands, his fingers, tracing those rings he had perfectly memorized at that point (even if Magnus chose different ones every day). He was so used to comforting himself, that since Magnus came alone, he developed the ability to, little by little, get rid of that heavy burden and lean on the warlock. Even the brush of his lips in his skin felt like a deep breath.

-I know... -Muttered back, then separated, just a bit to meet Magnus' cat eyes, wondering if he could get lost in them and allow himself a few minutes to unwind. -And there's another thing... I would like to know...

-Sure, what is it? -The warlock sat on the edge of the bed by Alec's side, giving him a smile, even though the infirmary's beds were terribly uncomfortable, he may add.

-Is that true? I mean... What you said... About Brother Zachariah being... "The hottest Silent Brother". -That had just popped into his mind and needed an answer.

As soon as those words spilled from his mouth, Magnus raised his eyebrows, could it be possible that...?

-Are you jealous?

-What? -Now Alec was the bewildered one. Maybe he should have said nothing... There was no possible way of tricking Magnus... -No, of course not.

But he looked away, he swallowed quite hard and Magnus smirked.

-You are jealous, you are actually jealous. -Magnus mentioned those words with certain proudness, alarming Alec due to his unexpected voice's raise.

The Shadowhunter looked around making sure everyone was focused on their conversation and not paying attention to his.

When his eyes watched Magnus' face again, saw that mischievous grin followed by a soft laugh and a kiss on his nose.

-My sweet boy. -Muttered, not resisting kissing Alec's nose again, probably just to tease him a bit more. And because every situation was the perfect one to smooch that face he adored. When did he become so soft for that boy? It happened with such smoothness that didn't notice or had the possibility to avoid it.

-I'm not jealous...

-Sure, my dear. -Again he chuckled and Alec frowned, something adorable from Magnus' point of view. He loved that strong warrior, but also that soft side that came out when leaving duty aside.

Alec learnt fast to keep his silence, another word would give Magnus the chance to keep reading him with such ease that almost seemed to be able to stare directly into his soul.

Tessa and Harry were about to leave the room when they almost bumped into Jem, who was back from the library but carried no books with him.

-I was not expecting you back so early. -Tessa placed a strand of hair behind her ear, her gray eyes curiously watching Jem. -Have you found something?

Even if he turned into a Silent Brother, Jem still had a soft spot for those eyes, for her endless questions, for the way her curls brushed her cheeks or her smile showed, for her...

-No. But someone did.

Those words echoed everyone's minds and they all watched Jem and behind him, since a figure joined them the next second. When they thought nothing could astonish them anymore, there he was.


Robert Lightwood.

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