• Chapter 13 • Before the storm •

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By the time Harry came back to the infirmary, Maryse Lightwood was there, talking to her children.
That prevented the boy from entering the room, he just stared from the doorframe how Maryse's worried eyes looked at everyone, how she tried hard to be mad but couldn't. She was a concerned mother, maybe it was her moments alone with Isabelle, maybe her talks with Luke, maybe something else, but she seemed a completely different woman.

-Eavesdropping is interesting, right?

Magnus' voice instantly startled Harry, he wasn't expecting his brother to be on the other side of the corridor.

-I was just...

-I'm not telling you off, Lightwood dramas are better than soap operas.

Harry showed a shy smile and leaned against the wall, gazing his brother.

-Ten left? -Magnus' cat eyes gazed his brother as well, before absentmindly watching his nail polish.

-Yes... I...

-You gave her the box. Matthew told us you found it.

While nodding, the half warlock sighed.
Meeting Ten, going through such tough adventure had been a draining experience, more than he would have expected.
Yet, it resulted hard to believe it was over. Was that what every Shadowhunter experimented after a mission? Probably.

-I should get in and apologize with Maryse for lying to her.

-It's not your fault. -But just by looking at Harry's eyes, Magnus knew he wasn't that convinced. -Fine... -Finally said, rolling his eyes.

With a wide smile, the half warlock hugged his twin, obtaining the energy he needed and both, entered the infirmary, catching everyone's attention, but that wasn't rare.

-Ms. Lightwood... -Harry was ready to face the consequences, he didn't want to keep lying and even looked straight into Maryse's eyes. -I'm sorry, I should have told you I am half warlock, about the missions and...

-Stop that. -It was Matt the one who spoke and in a quite protective way, he placed himself right next to Harry.

Magnus raised his eyebrows at that gesture. Interesting.

-You don't have to apologize or regret what we've done. I do not regret a thing. -Now, Matt's eyes were fixed on his mother's, deffensive mode on.

-Matt... -Alec sighed, already knowing what wiill happen, but his twin completely ignored him.

-No... I had enough... We are not the bad guys, we follow our duties, as every Shadowhunter, we protect everyone, Nephilim or not, we risk our lifes for the ones we love... Isn't it enough for you?

Things were getting too personal, the woman's eyes reflected the pain in her soul, those words coming from her son were the hardest a mother could hear.

-Buddy, enough... -Jace grabbed Matt's shoulder quite strong. After what happened with Ten, the last thing he wanted was more fights.

-It's okay, Jace. -Maryse deeply inhaled and then, nodded. -Leave us alone, please.

Maybe it was time for them to talk, they all knew.
Isabelle was conscious of how much a talk could change things, so she took Simon's arm in order to get out, followed by Jace and Clary.
Alec watched Maryse, his twin, doubting.
He had clear how hard the relationship between him and their mother was and wanted to be there for his brother, to shield him.
However, soon Magnus' hand softly rested on his shoulder, his cat eyes silently expressing he should leave both alone.

The Shadowhunter finally accepted, so did Harry, whose fingers brushed Matt's hand.
The hazel-eyed boy wanted to take it, but they were all already out of the room.
He wanted so bad to stay, but at the same time, he had clear that mother and son needed to be alone.

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