• Chapter 25 • Burnt memories •

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Ten loved adventure, so much that she must admit that felt slightly elated when Robert Lightwood found her around the Institute.
However, when he and two other men prevented her from escaping, that situation seemed less similar to a game.

-Let go! -No matter how hard she tried, they held her as a golden trophy despite being pure silver.

-Keep her here and wait for me.

Robert made sure that a stare said more than a thousand words, actually, those men tighten the grip on Ten.
Was that going to be her end? That was it?
Probably everything was destined to end like that, her adventures may have reached an end.

Or maybe not...

Suddenly, one of the men fell to the floor, seconds later the other one and nothing was holding the faerie anymore.

Her survival instincts told her to run away, to escape and never come back, but then, there he was: the shiny warlock followed by the twins. His hands still gleamed with blue sparks, his cat eyes shone and he showed a satisfied smile when seeing those men on the floor.

He carelessly passed by their side, while wiping some dust from his clothes.

Underestimating downwolders was not the best idea, Ten had to admit Magnus was cool, one of a kind, one that could understand her. But still, the horrid and eerie feeling of guiltyness invaded her when seeing him, missing his other half, his twin.

-Alright, we need to go.

-Wait, I need to go for the rest.

Alec quickly touched Magnus' arm and ran through the corridors, making sure no one was waiting for him, Matt looked at the warlock, but soon followed Alec as Magnus watched them.

-Not that I am expecting a "thank you" or something. -He stared at his nail polish, raising his eyebrows.

Ten never knew if he was serious or not, mocking or really wanted what he asked for, but maybe that time it was not a joke.

-Thank you...

-You are welcome and now, let's go.

Magnus gave Ten no time to ask herself "where" , since a portal opened just with the snap of his fingers.
He was also paying close attention to his surroundings and when finally the rest of the gang came, they all entered the portal.

Once again, and not because of a party, his precious apartment was full of people, stressed people, Shadowhunters that talked nonstop and a faerie that couldn't stop touching his antiques.

-Ladies, gentlemen, let me talk or you will turn into beautiful rats.

Of course, and not surprising at all, Simon was the first one to stay silent and soon, the others followed.

-Lovely. -Satisfied, Magnus smiled. -So, we have the problem that The Clave wants to capture Ten... The good thing is that they also want to close the portal to Eruleum... But that is also a bad thing because it would suppose to go back there...

-With the music box we can directly go there... But just once... -Ten sat on the table, watched the gang with those enormous silver eyes. She almost seemed excited.

-Knowing a faster way to go is cool, call me crazy but I think that a way back would be much cooler.

But no one had the chance to reply to Magnus, since a portal opened just in front of them and soon, three familiar figures spilled from it.

-Sorry for the delay... The Spyral Labirynth already knows about Eruleum and it is hard to get out...

A pair of warm arms, her soft and gentle voice, her familiar touch embraced Magnus, who found himself smiling and caressing her back.

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