• Chapter 26 • Twin moonlights •

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-You are kind of stupid for not leaving while you can... Amereth doesn't know that you are here... Yet...

-I will leave... But when I find a way to get rid of this... -Harry gave Asmodeus a kind smile while touching the chains that prevented his dad from escaping.

-And I told you that I tried... Besides, I am a Great demon, if my power is not freeing me, nothing will do. 

Still, Harry's eyes were on Asmodeus and everytime that happened, an eerie feeling invaded his chest. Magnis would for sure have left him there, rottening for eternity, but there was his younger son, attempting over and over again useless spells.

It was true that Asmodeus found him floating on that river and without thinking much, took him to the surface and waited for him to wake up, yet, he had the feeling that Harry would have helped him even if he hadn't saved him. That boy was like a bird, you rescued him and that meant he would never leave.

Asmodeus was convinced that Eruleum was doing strange things to him, if not, why would he save Harry? Why wasn't him calling Amereth and trade his son for himself? 

Amereth knew very well that the actual king of Edom, Harry, would go after his father, is she knew that he was already there, that she had the possibility to kill him like the gang did to her sister Lilith...

While those thoughts ran through Asmodeus' mind constantly, he watched Harry, who was pretty concentrated in using his magic, even runes to get rid of those chains.

Then, once again, Asmodeus noticed the burning pentagram in his palm and an almost invisible smile appeared on his face.

-Did it work?

Harry curiously lifted his head to look at his father, Asmodeus pointed at the pentagram.

-Amereth wanted me to call you through that pentagram... -Asmodeus showed his palm, which had a deep wound that insisted on not healing. -But I don't know if you could feel it.

That revelation caused Harry to widen his eyes... So that was the reason why the pentagram had been aching? Actually, that sensation had stopped the moment he woke up on that dudgeon in front of Asmodeus.

-It worked... Yes... -Harry nodded and for a moment, left the chains, leaned his back against the wall and watched his hands, one gloved, the other one bared.

Quite satisfied, Asmodeus grinned. At least he wasn't losing faculties. His eyes were on Harry, his mind started to spin.

It would be so easy to have Harry under his control... It would be so easy to gain Amereth's trust... It would be so easy that Harry could find a way to free him from the chains and use him to escape... 

That definitely sounded like a plan, it tasted like freedom... But everytime he tried to be that soulless Prince of Hell, he saw the King's kind heart and his own ached... Felt cold as ice melting and running through his veins...

-Your friends must be about to arrive... -Not that he cared, but that gang made him curious.

-I am sure about that... -Harry stared at the Bronze river with gleamy eyes, embraced his knees and smiled. He craved seeing his friends, his brother, Matt... Concern was there, he would not mind if they never came, but since he knew they would not stop searching for him, at least he prayed for them to be safe. 

In other circumstances, Asmodeus would have laughed for sure... At their idiotness, at that stuff of the power of love and friendship... But after feeling in their flesh what were they capable of, he saw in them another opportunity to escape Amereth.

-I have a question...

Harry's voice, but mostly what he said, caught his father's attention, whose eyes, soon met his son's.

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