• Author's note •

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Hello, my lovely readers! As you see, this is the Epilogue, this story reached to an end after so long 🥺 Both this and the first book are pretty special and emotional for me since they are my first Shadowhunters FanFics, and I hope you enjoyed them as much as me! It is true that despite getting stuck at some point and leaving the story for a few months, I like the result I am already writing the next story! 👀 Please, if you have any questions, comment your favourite moment, character... or anything you'd like to know, just tell me! Thank you so much for your support, it encourages me a lot and I couldn't be more grateful 🥺💜💜💜

Find me on Instagram as well!

@_another_shadowhunter (edits, videos, Fanarts...) & @_another_shadowhunter_writes (FanFics, one-shots, headcanons)

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