Chapter 40 • Timeless •

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A demon falling for an angel, just a boy falling for a King, fairy tales becoming a reality, good battling evil. A simple novel for others, a reality for Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood.
What started as a mere business relationship turned into a never ending love, thousands of adventures, a wedding.

None of them recalled the Institute as a place so full of life, colors, music and decorations, yet, it was happening, there they were, waiting for the couple of the year.

From the high ceilings hanging purple and blue flowers, white and golden roses decorated each side of the aisle. Those flowers spreaded and tangled taking the shape of an arch.
The benches were perfectly lined and the windows filtering multicolor reflections due to the outer light. However, candles of different heights were placed around the room and of course, a golden rug led to the main entrance. Its door opened and revealed Alec Lightwood.
He had been convinced that inviting his father and letting him be the one accompanying him to the aisle would be a mistake, but there he was, maybe not pleased with the wedding, but taking his position, his chin up as he walked with his son.

Every stare was on him, something that made the boy quite anxious, being the center of attention wasn't his thing. Yet, recognizing familiar faces, sweet smiles and tender stares recomforted him.
On the right, Tessa, Ragnor and Church (yes, that grumpy cat), sat on the first bench of the row and on the left side, Izzy, Simon, Clary, Matt, Harry and Luke.

Standing on the altar, Jace could be found, as well as Catarina.

The Parabatai instantly fixed their gazes on each other, Jace proudly smiling, but how could he not? His brother was getting married, was in love and most importantly, proud of it, smiling, his ocean eyes gleaming, his golden suit perfectly arranged, the lapel standing out due to the blue rose adorning it (for sure Magnus insisted on the suit matching his boyfriend's eyes).

Arriving at the altar without tripping had been already a challenge, but standing there, in front of everyone, even more. Of course he felt anxious, those very well known butterflies had a party inside his stomach, he couldn't recall feeling that nervous when facing a demon.
Robert hugged him, not a tight embrace, but it was enough, a step closer to bond again.

That came as a surprise to everyone, Alec could barely react, but what truly astonishing him, was discovering that the main entrance's door had opened again and that Magnus was there, Maryse being the one walking him through the aisle.

-You okay, buddy? -Not even Jace's mutter so close to him could push away those feelings that started to come to him at once.

-I... I can't breathe...

And it was the truth. Jace believed his Parabatai was starting to regret that wedding, that he was panicking more than he should, until his golden eyes found Magnus too.

The warlock was wearing a blue suit, and a glittery purple tie. His make up was golden, his hair had golden highlights and his right ear was adorned by an arrow piercing. It was obvious that he wouldn't miss the chance of wearing his best clothes and he felt more than elated to have impressed everyone.
If someone had told him he would marry a Shadowhunter and that his mother would be the one holding his arm, he would have laughed out loud and believed it was higher the chance of being allowed into Peru again.

Yet, everything became a reality when his cat eyes met Alec's. Now, Magnus was the speechless one, he found no words to describe the perfection of that boy standing in front of him.
The World seemed to have completely disappeared, he saw no one but Alec, his Alec.

It probably was too soon to spill tears, but Magnus swore that grumpy Ragnor's eyes were already glassy. Or maybe it was just glitter stuck in his eyes.

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