Chapter 28 • Bird hunting •

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That scene was almost like seeing a father with his son, a kind of familiarity, even normal if it wasn't for the situation.

Steps soon echoed in the corridor and the gang hid in the room that was in front of that one.

It was completely dark and they took the decision to slightly open it so they could keep watching the scene.

A woman, deadly aspect, creepy aura, ragged dress and bared feet... Amereth... There was no doubt that she was that figure described in ancient legends that faded a bit more each second.

Her bony hand rested on the man's shoulder, his thin finger touched his cheek and then his son's.

The gang looked at each other, that scene had the power to give them the creeps.

-So now what? Are we going to watch them as if it was a TV reality? -Matt clearly had no patient for that and was even readying an arrow.

-Just like that? We kill them and leave? No, no way... We could just... Talk to them and convince them of not invading New York?

Even though Simon knew that option wouldn't be accepted by the gang, he still had a faint hope that vanished the moment he saw Matt's expression.

-There must be a kind of creepy throne room here or something, like in Edom. -Matt looked sideways at Asmodeus. -We should wait for them there, sure they will go.

-Whatever we decide, we have to get out of here.

Alec had clear that they couldn't stay there forever, that sooner or later, they would have to choose between leaving or fighting and taking into account they were the TMI gang, the most probable option was the second one.

Seconds later they found themselves walking through the dark corridor again, as silently as they could and found their way up the stairs that lead them directly to an entrance, almond shaped.

Iced stalactites and stalagmites gave that entrance the appearance of an enormous mouth with fangs and a cold breeze spilled from it as the monster's breathe.

When their eyes traveled inside that gate, a spiky throne caught their attention. It seemed far away, too lonely, too cold and dark...

-It is always nice to have guests... Welcome to my humble Kingdom... -That smile would not vanish from his face, as he kept approaching. Seraph Blades already gleaming, widening his grin. -Do not bother, please... I will not take into account that you were spying on me...

Ten's enormous silver eyes widened even more, stared at that enormous figure and took her hands to her chest, pressing it, so hard that it almost felt as if she could reach her accelerated heart.

-I knew you were coming... That for some reason, you were searching for me... I should be pleased... -Closer and closer, the figure approached them, not quite threatening the gang, but not willing to embrace them with his wings to shelter them from the cold. -It would not be polite to not present myself...

The only ones he talked to probably were Amereth and that man, Ten, even if it seemed strange, found it normal that the boy felt so curious, so eager to delay the moment when he probably would kill them.

-My name is Johnathan... Do not believe I pretend you call me "King" or "Majesty"... -The wings slightly moved, some feathers gently caressed the snowy ground.

From Matt's point of view it was nothing more than a human with a bird costume and his arrow was already pointing at his head with no fear.

-Stay there... You are right... We came for you...

-Matt... -Alec touched his arm in order to make him lower the bow. Alright, they had Eruleum's King in front of them, now what?

Alec's blue eyes met the silver ones, curious, almost as if he was amusing himself by the genuine gang.

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