• Chapter 8 • Bonds •

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Simon surrendered after losing four times against Matt and he opted for accompany Ten to collect some flowers, mostly used to decorate her hair.
Neither Ten nor Simon could stop talking, they had little in common, but they found easy to talk about any topic, everything had something of interest for both of them. In fact, the faerie's epic adventures freed Simon from his tormenting thoughts about Izzy not picking up his calls.

Matt was still sitting on the chair, trying to make a house of cards. He was tired, but he couldn't sleep, not because they were away from their Institute, but because something else was bothering him.
He couldn't blame Harry or his Parabatai proposal anyway, so the best thing he could do before the failed attemps of building the house of cards ended his patience, was going to the all-terrein car and search for the keys.

As expected, they were hidden inside a vase that rested on the window sill and it took Matt little to open the car an enter.
It was too dusty and smelled as if it had been there for ages without moving, so it was almost a miracle that the engine worked.

The Shadowhunter opened the windows in an attempt to ventilate the vehicle while driving out of the yard.

-Where are you going?

It wasn't rare that he caught Harry's attention when reaching the front door.
The half warlock was already standing up, the book next to the cards and his curious eyes on Matt and the car.

-I don't know. -Replied the Shadowhunter, eyes on Harry's. He wasn't lying, he had no idea of where to go, but that was the interesting thing, just driving and let emotions be the GPS.

-So let's go to "I don't know" together.

How to refuse that when the half Shadowhunter was smiling with such excitement.
Even Matt smirked too and opened the door for the other boy, who entered without any doubt and put on the seat belt.
It was his first time inside a car and the technology made him so curious that he had to hold back and avoid touching every button.

Within a minute, the engine roared again, accelerating Harry's heart.
It was very different seeing cars and being inside one of them, as it happened to him with the train.
In both experiences, Matt was involved.

The boy drove not too slow, but not too fast the faint lights illuminated the bumpy and sandy road as they left the country house behind them.

The cold breeze that entered through the windows, made Harry shiver, but at the same time, it felt as if the wind blew away every thought, every concern.

Matt watched him sideways, as his hands held a slightly tighter the steering wheel.
Being parted hurted even more than being together, Matthew would have felt the car too empty without the boy next to him.

-Wanna play some music?

Harry looked away from the window and gazed Matt, nodding.

-Sure, I can do that.

He was almost ready to use his magic, or at least try, when Matt pressed a button from the car and a song started to sound.
Harry widened his eyes, opened his mouth in astonishment.

-How did you do that?

-Magic, I guess.

Satisfied for having impressed Harry, Matt showed a crocked smile and started to drive a bit faster, as the other boy laughed in excitement. If he didn't know that Matt was a Shadowhunter, he would believe that was magic.

-Who taught you to drive? As far as I know, you need a license.

-That's the theory. -Matt seemed more relaxed, with one hand he controlled the steering wheel and the other, rested on the window sill. -Simon taught me, but I do not have a license, that would require mundane classes.

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