Chapter 36 • A matter of pride •

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One of the things that bothered Magnus the most wasn't the fact of being in Idris, but being in Idris, sharing a room with his twin and ex boyfriend, not being able to have a moment alone with his fiancé. 

Yet, he still knew how to make a good use of his charms and before the lovebirds woke up, Magnus convinced Alec to have a coffee in the Academy's common room.

The warlock felt elated, more than that, when finding out that no little Shadowhunters were around, he finally could share a nice coffee with his boy, clearly the best part of it.

Magnus was still wearing his silky purple pajamas, his spiky hair a sweet mess Alec adored, as he carefully untangled his multiple necklaces. That was starting to become a habit, which Magnus loved.

His cat eyes watched Alec from above the rim of the cup, his free hand carefully playing with Alec's smooth hair, ringed fingers curling it softly. He noticed how the moonlight skin tingled under his touch and that only made him smile with satisfaction.

Once the necklaces were back in their position, Alec touched Magnus' chest for a few moments and showed a smile, lifting his gaze to his boyfriends'.

Magnus smiled back, gave him the cup and Alec took it, their fingers brushing.

The close distance despite the wide sofa, their eyes enjoying meeting each other and the silent conversation turned their surroundings completely nonexistent.

-I am glad to have you here. -Alec broke the silence and his voice sounded so soft, so sincere. -I have my siblings, yours, Tessa... But still... I needed you... 

If someone had told Alec that he would be saying those words to a man, and that he was going to marry that man, the Shadowhunter wouldn't have believed it.

It felt weird to need someone, to say it, but he knew he could open his heart to Magnus and he would shield it. 

Actually, the warlock found himself tenderly smiling, again running his fingers through Alec's hair, then touched his cheek and the Shadowhunter leaned on his touch. His lips softly kissed Magnus' palm.

He looked so vulnerable... But Magnus very well knew and admired Alec's courage, it touched his soul the way the Shadowhunter learned to feel safe around him.

-There is no need to thank me. But I am going to ask Tess for an empty room. I love my brother, and yours, but please, can't I have privacy with my fiancé?

And Alec bursted into laughter, how could he not? Especially when Magnus rolled his eyes.

He could be so dramatic... Almost as if he was performing, but Alec cherished every trade that made his boyfriend Magnus Bane, that glittery and genuine warlock.

After a quick sip to his cup, Alec left the cup on the table and took Magnus' to place it there as well so he could take his hands and pull him closer, even more.

-I am afraid this is not a hotel, my love... -Alec chuckled again, kissed Magnus' hands.

-Do you think I don't know? It's obvious. -Magnus looked around, rolled his eyes. -Just look at this antique wood... The statues judging us... if I had to redecorate this place...

-It would be a glittery palace with red lights, jacuzzi's... Definitely not a training place.

Their eyes met, apparently serious stares until they unavoidably started to laugh again, resting their foreheads on each other.

-You know me so well... But the red lights wouldn't match the Demon Towers... -Magnus brushed Alec's nose with his.

-Oh, my apologies. -Alec kissed his nose. -What do you suggest then, Mr.Bane? 

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