• Chapter 30 • Memento Mori •

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Wasn't it ironic that silver was bleeding gold? After all, her interior wasn't as dull as she pretended. But that did not matter anymore, she was now just a memory, just a legend and so was he, that lost brother, that forced King.

His back was sliced by Amereth, reaching his chest.
Of course blood was pouring but it was not the only thing.
Where vital organs should have been, cogs and other mechanical objects were found instead.
So he was not even human, he was just an experiment, just a body without a heart itself, just mechanisms working in a complex way to pretend there was life inside that flesh.

Amereth's face could not be described, she was creepily smirking, her breath irregular and heavy and at the same time, fading giggles. She had probably gone totally insane.
However, she was still ready to keep fighting, the black sparks, like ink between her fingers, shone brighter than ever, a dense mass that threatened them.

She might be planning already a strategy to end the shocked gang, but even the brightest plans had flaws...

The woman had completely forgotten about the twin warlocks.

That gate had lost its strength after Johnathan's death and just a few minutes later, they could finally close it.
It had a price, of course.

Their magic was almost drained, especially Harry's, since he wasn't fully a warlock.
Both of them were leaning against the wall, agitated breaths, blurry vision and their bodies shaky.

Perfectly did they know that the battle continued and even if Amereth was the only threat, that was enough for them to be at risk and in need to leave.

-We should do something...

-That would kill you... -Magnus let out a groan, kind of painful and looked at Harry, resting his hand on his shoulder.

Harry stayed silent, looked around until his eyes met the ceiling.
Magnus looked up as well and he needed no more than a sideways glance to know what his twin was thinking about.

A blast of magic almost hit Alec, who dodged it but fell to the ground, right in from of the warlocks.

-That was graceful. -Said Magnus, grinning and reaching out his hand. Everything done by his sweet boyfriend was perfect to his eyes.

Alec took it, groaned and stood up, wiping the sweet of his forehead with the back of his free hand.

-Are you alright? -Concerned, Harry watched him, Alec nodded, but Magnus perfectly knew that the moonlight skin would be filled with bruises in a few hours.

-It is perfect that you are here, darling. You see that?

Before Alec could say something, Magnus spoke so the Shadowhunter fixed his eyes in the thing Magnus was pointing at.

It was an enormous group of stalagmites, pointy, sharp wasn't enough to describe them.

Alec had only one arrow left, but he trusted Magnus' idea, Magnus trusted Alec's ability so without anything else to say, the Shadowhunter prepared his arrow, swallowed hard, feeling his heartbeat racing and the next second, the arrow was flying to the stalagmite, piercing it directly.

-Back off! -Yelled Alec, his voice echoing all over the room.

Jace rapidly took Clary out of the way, Isabelle grabbed Simon's arm and ran away, as well as Asmodeus.

Amereth had no time to react, not even if she tried, since the stalagmite heavily fell from the ceiling, stabbing Amereth directly, with no mercy, a blink of an eye and her body laid innert on the ground, a pool of dense and dark red blood pouring.

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