• Chapter 32 • Eerie reality •

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Who could possibly hate the warm rays of sun caressing their faces, the slight scent to rain from the previous night? The birds sang their best melodies as if to announce the arrival of a new and great day.

Even if it was not much, TMI gang reunited in Central Park, close to the spot that led into the Seelie Court.

There, they had thrown to the water silver flowers that Magnus and Harry conjured and kept one minute of silence just watching how the petals got wet, how they floated and separated from the flower swimming freely around the enormous lake which reflected the morning sunlight.

-Don't you feel... Weird? -It was Simon who broke the silence, while Isabelle held his arm. Her eyes on him. -I mean... -His stare was lost in the water. -I feel as if it has been an eternity since we returned from Eruleum... As if everything was a dream... We got Harry back... Ten is... There... Amereth is dead, her creepy son was Ten's brother... I... I don't know...

-I do... -Clary showed a tender smile and softly caressed Simon's back. She could perfectly feel his nervousness and of course, understood exactly what he meant. -And you are right... We've been through so much that now reality seems weird...

Again, they stayed silent with the faint noise of water running and birds singing far away from them. A soft breeze surrounding them.

-Shadowhunters' reality is crazy. But let's be honest. -Matt leaned against the banister that separated them from the water. -What would we do the whole day without a bit of action? Just cleaning weapons that we are never going to use. 

-We wouldn't need to clean weapons because we would never use them. -Harry tilted his head and Matt chuckled, taking his hand in order to pull him closer and then take the other. How to resist that sweetness?

-Alright, you got a point there, sir. -He pressed his lips on Harry's forehead, smiled against his skin and the warlock closed his eyes, showing a smile as well while interlacing their fingers.

That scene melted everybody's hearts, filled them with happiness and tenderly watched the couple. They totally deserve each other, being together again.

-Well, I wouldn't mind a vacation. -Jace sat on the banister and Matt, raised his eyebrows.

-Oh, right... You are tired of carrying...

-The weight of my greatness. Yes.

Both bursted into laughter, so did the rest. Even Magnus had sympathy towards that blondie. After all, they were a family now.

-I have the most humble Parabatai ever. -Alec chuckled and leaned on Magnus' touch, to made sure to brush his messy hair with his fingers to keep it away from his eyes. They got so used to each other, to show their love without hesitation that felt like taking a deep breath.

-I can't believe I was raised with these siblings... -Izzy sighed and then, looked at Clary, who giggled. She was like that little sibling Isabelle never had and that treasured more than she showed.

They stayed there together for a long while, talking or just watching the lake, remembering Ten and debating what could have happened if things turned out differently at Eruleum.

There was a moment where Magnus and Alec took a break from all that and walked through the park together, Magnus holding onto Alec's arm.

-What Clary said before, about reality being weird... I don't know about you, but I wouldn't change this weird reality for a common one if you are not in it.

Magnus' smooth words were enough to make Alec's heart skip a beat, even blush and feel those love butterflies inside him that refused to leave since the first time he realized he was in love with that genuine warlock.

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