• Chapter 9 • Gate to love •

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Sleeping outside was good, but as soon as it started to rain in the middle of the night, Ten gave up the hammock and entered her room through the window.
Between comfortable, and most important, dry blankets, Ten spent the night until the morning sun woke her up.
She needed little sleep to feel full of energy, besides, that night her precious box would finally come back to her.

Before going to the living room, she took a dagger that keep on the night stand and started to cut a pair of trousers Clary gave her, converting them into short ones. The blue hoodie became sleeveless and cropped.
With that, she was ready to leave her room.

However, the faerie felt quite upset when finding out that the only one who was awake was Jace and that he was having a coffee.
That unpleasant smell was too strong for her, too bitter.

-And I thought the morning couldn't get better. -Sarcastically said Jace, as soon as he saw Ten. He opted for taking a bit sip of coffee and refill his cup.

-Are you always so disagreeable? -The girl raised an eyebrow, arms on her hips.

-When I'm in a bad mood.

-Oh, everyday, then.

Again, gold against silver, if they were wild beasts, they would be already showing their fangs.

Yet, Ten calmly walked by Jace, as if nothing happened and "accidentaly", kicked the table so the coffee cup spilled its content on Jace's grey shirt.

-Be careful, those stains are not easy to clean.

With a smile full of satisfaction, Ten pointed at the Shadowhunter's shirt and he frowned, almost red due to the anger.

-How much I wish to find your stupid box and have you far, very far away...

His flace was dangerously close to hers, his eyes expressing such fury that they seemed about to burn.
But the faeriedidn't even flinch, she crossed her arms and grinned.

-If you don't help me find my stupid box, I will be spilling coffee until all your clothes turn brown.

A common debate was if gold could beat silver, and Jace was willing to prove that gold could definitely be, by far, better than silver.

They were fighting each other, but Harry was fighting his own demons.
He wanted to ask Jace, Alec or Simon about the Parabatai bond, wanted Magnus to conjure for him a book about it, but at the same time, he was afraid of discovering something he wouldn't like.
Books contained beautiful stories, but also horrible ones.
His curiosity was dangerous, but he was brave enough to face the risks it could bring.

If he wanted to solve the problem, he had to go directly to the root, and so he did.
Sooner than expected, Harry headed to Matt's room, knocked a couple of times and since he wasn't receiving an answer, he decided to enter.

Matt was lying on the bed, on his stomach, his bare and runed skin bathed by sunlight, decorated by scars, his black hair a total mess, but his face completely peaceful.
Harry firmly believed that angels existed and had no doubt that Matt was one of them, that view was too breath-taking, too beautiful and the half warlock wished he could capture that moment.
His heart started to beat faster without even noticing, did he need more clues? More hints that confirmed why the hazel-eyed boy caused him those butterflies?

By the time the Harry wanted to leave the room, the Shadowhunter was already moving, while sluggishly rubbing his face.

When finally opening his eyes and noticing Harry, he had to blink a couple of times to make sure it wasn't a dream.

-Good morning... Sorry, I thought you were already awake. -Harry gave him a shy smile, staying where he was as Matt finally sat down, kicking the blankets away.

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