• Chapter 15 • Faerie Tale

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Alec's arrival contributed to end with the rest of the demons, but then, when they all saw the silver girl with the golden boy, they understood that the night was going to be longer than they would like.

-I don't know why in hell are you here, but I hope you...

-Relax, boy. -She frowned, crossed her arms, as imposing as they remembered, not even a bit afraid of fighting Jace. -I'm not here because of you, I was escaping, and you happened to be on my way. You should be glad that I saved you from that demon.

-Excuse me? I had everything under control.

Their rage just incremented, they faced each other like they used to.
What pissed Jace off the most, was the fact that the faerie he hated that much was the one saving him.

-Guys, stop. -Alec placed himself between both of them, quite desperate. He was as puzzled as the rest, but of course, he, Matt, Harry, Simon and Clary were probably the ones that didn't want to fight the girl.
Being honest, Jace and Ten would keep challenging each other until their last breaths.

However, as the leader he was, Alec maintained the calm as much as he could, tried to put some order, despite feeling his Parabatai's anger.

-Why are you escaping? What's going on?

Ten stared at everyone, they definitely wouldn't like the answer, but it wasn't her problem, they asked.

-Well... Let's say that I tried to secretly entered into the Seelie Court but things got quite thorny.

In fact, her silver hair contained multiple leaves, her skin scratches and mud stains, as well as her clothes.
From her perspective, it was another adventure she should add to her list.

-But you're a faerie... -Matt raised one eyebrow, he was bad as history, but as far as he was concerned, the Seelie Court was a place for faeries.

-Yes but... They banned me a while ago. -She rolled her eyes, then sighed as she took a little branch from her hair. -They don't like me much.

-I wonder why... -Jace couldn't be more fed up and ready to start another fight with Ten, yet, he respected Alec and attempted his best to keep his cool.

However, Ten's hearing was sharp and she was perfectly conscious of the boy's words.
Nevertheless, Alec didn't give them the chance to keep talking.

-Something happened? -The blue-eyed boy wasn't curious, but since they have been involved with the faerie, he feared that her problems, could become theirs.

-Long ago... -She nodded, held tighter the pale and ragged bag she was carrying. -But I should go... Or they'll catch me.

-Come to the Institute. There you'll be safe and you can explain more to us.

-Matt... -Isabelle's warning call wasn't enough, her brother was even more stubborn than her.

Matt's hazel eyes were already on the faerie, who smiled, her silver eyes gleaming.
If New York's Institute had something good, was definitely that boy.

-Actually, I would like that, I'm so hungry...

And as soon as they arrived to the Institute and Jace served her a plate of dense and greenish soup, she wasn't hungry anymore.
In all her years exploring the world, she had never encountered such horrid plate.

Jace winked to Isabelle, grinning, as well as her, while she leaned against the counter. The best option sometimes happened to be teamwork.

-You said you were hungry, you should eat. -Isabelle's dark eyes stared the disgusted silver ones. She could be precious, lovely, until you messed with her. Then, the raven girl prepared the sweetest revenges.

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