• Chapter 27 • Eruleum's King •

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Right after Harry could free Asmodeus from the chains, they both, almost as a miracle, escaped that dudgeon.

It came as a surprise to see himself involved in that situation again, where Matt's arm firmly trapped him and his hazel eyes gleamed like two emeralds in the night.

Time seemed to stop for both, as if that was nothing more than an illusion.

However, Matt still conserved the ability to react and the moment he saw Asmodeus, didn't even stop to amaze himself, because he directly punched his nose, so hard that even his fist hurt.

Asmodeus fell to the ground, snow soon stained by red due to his blood and Harry, watched the scene astonished, as well as the rest, that had just arrived.

-I told you, I would break his nose... -Proudly said Matt to Harry, grinning, watching Asmodeus still there. 

Actually, he was about to punch him again, but Harry stopped him. 

His soft touch, so familiar, brought Matt back to reality and their eyes met as they used to.

The Shadowhunter didn't realize until then, how unreal that situation seemed, not because he had just broke Asmodeus' nose, but because Harry was alive, standing in front of him.

The rest of the gang was as shocked as him but ironically, was the immortal one who did not want to waste a second. 

Magnus's arms embraced his brother so tight, with such strength, that if they stayed like that for a few seconds, they could join forever.

That scene of Harry falling into the void, getting lost in the dark, flashed in front of Magnus' eyes, no matter how hard he closed them, that his brother was there again. 

-Magnus... -Muttered Harry, touching his back, rubbing it. Was Magnus Bane shaking? He definitely was... But Harry stayed like that, closed his eyes and took deep breaths. Not only could he sense Magnus' overwhelmed tide of emotions due to his bear hand, but also, because he was his twin, he knew, he just felt it. Being separated felt like losing half of the heart.

None of them spoke, Harry just felt an unmistakable hand in his shoulder, gently separating him from Magnus. 

Soon, he was being embraced by his boyfriend, who was wearing his glove, his strong arms not letting go, not even a bit. Actually, the grip became tighter every second. 

-You are alive... You are here... 

-I am... I ended up in...

-Shhh... I don't care about that now... Just let me hold you...

And so did Harry. He closed his eyes, smiled, his head resting on Matt's shoulder as they hugged, as their hearts started to follow the same rhythm again.

None of the present ones wanted to interrupt, they looked at each other, smiled, but said nothing. 

Clary hugged Magnus, no matter how tiny she was, her grip was strong, firm, and Magnus kissed his biscuit's head, watching his brother and Matthew. Mentally, the warlock was calculating the minutes that passed and it was definitely his turn of hugging his brother again.

He was already letting go of Clary, but when wanting to approach the lovebirds, Asmodeus stood up, his hands and face covered in his own blood and Magnus, raised his eyebrows.

Were Asmodeus and Harry working together? What mystery was yet to discover? Whatever it was, Magnus just passed by Asmodeus and grabbed Harry's wrist to hug him again.

Needless to say that an "argument" inniciated between him and Matt, but Harry quickly solved it hugging both.

Maybe they were not at the right place, maybe it wasn't the right time, but having Harry back, was the biggest victory.

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