• Chapter 21 • Golden gate •

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The grey tunnel freezed every inch of their bodies, their bones, letting them know how close the heart of the Kingdom was.
Hard, cold and slippery silver floor, gadgets floating as if they were as light as feathers, dense silver drops fell turning into water as soon as they touched their skins, tingling it.
The more they advanced, the uneasier they felt. Something in there wasn't right, deep inside, a voice adviced them they shouldn't be there.

Ten, for the contrary and for the first time, felt that she belonged somewhere, that it was perfectly right to be stepping on that floor, that her heart guided her home.
Somehow, the faerie always knew what her goal was and the closeness made her have the sensation of being almost touching it with her fingertips.

At that moment, Isabelle almost tripped but Ten, getting out of her thoughts, was fast enough to take her arm and balance her.

-Careful there.

-Thanks... -Simply said Izzy, parting a bit from her. She still didn't quite trust the other girl, but she had to admit there wasn't reasons. After all they've been through, there she was, collaborating with them. -And thanks too for telling us about Amereth and that stuff...

It was the fair thing to say. At least, from Isabelle's point of view, they still had time to stop that crazy woman and save the World. A big responsability, but nothing felt like too much at that point.
However, satisfaction invaded the faerie when hearing those words, even her pointy ears seemed to slightly move in an attempt to catch every piece of information.

-You are cool, Isabelle... Your boyfriend... Sheldon?... -Again, problems with names. -Well, him too.

-Simon... -Replied the raven girl, looking at her boyfriend sideways. -And we are all cool.

-Of course we are, we are the TMI gang and we are going to kick Amereth's ass.

Matt unexpectedly placed himself between both girls, surrounded their shoulders with his arms as a wide smile decorated his face. He clearly seemed to be enjoying the adventure.
Actually, he considered himself too young for just staying in New York hunting demons. The boy wanted to feel alive, to love and be loved. Emotions kept him alive, gave them that humanity his angel blood and duty sometimes took away.

-You definitely put a spell on him, little brother.

Magnus' words caused Harry to blush and sheepishly chuckle. The cat-eyed warlock curiously stared at Matt, then at his twin. If someone had told Harry that some day he would be out of the Spiral Labyrynth, with his twin, new friends and a boy he loved heart and soul, he wouldn't have believed it.

-You did the same with Alec... Well, you are also head over heels for him... -Harry couldn't be more elated, his brother deserved that love to join his shattered pieces, to give him back that desire to redescover the World.

It wasn't hard to notice how hard Magnus fell for Alec and he wouldn't hide it. For the first time in centuries, he was proud to say he was madly in love. Maybe, Alec Lightwood wouldn't break his heart.

-Some day, you and I will be sitting down somewhere, remembering this crazy things love led us to. -It was a fact, a sad reality they knew and had to accept. However, Magnus wondered if with the pass of years, centuries, his heart would be able to forget Alec. Maybe his mind, but his heart? Never.

-But for the moment, let's enjoy that crazyness. -Harry was also conscious of that, yet, his only goal was making the most of every moment and not worry about the future, something Magnus and Matt taught him. The wonders waiting for him promised a considerable amount of good days he would always treasure. -You must admit it's fun.

-Those kids should thank me for appearing in their lifes. I invented fun.

Their eyes met, Magnus' cat ones showing certain faked ego that soon, made both of them burst into laughter.
One day, only them would remain, but neither of them could possible regret those adventures.

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