Chapter 39 • Silent Promise •

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-What are you doing here? -Jace had been quiet but not much longer. Clary watched him, caressed his arm and his shoulder and fixed her eyes on Robert, just like the rest.

How to not have mixed feelings? After the argument at the Institute, awkward or frustrating was not enough to describe the situation.

-As Brother Zachariah said, I came up with the answer. -He kept his voice neutral, his voice steady and arms behind his back.

-How do you even know about this? Now you care?

Seeing him was enough to ignite Matt's rage, his hazel eyes turned darker and stepped in front of Alec, barely noticing that protective gesture.

-Why don't we sit down and talk calmly? 

Jace and Matt were proud enough to not let us happen, even Magnus felt the impulse to slam the door in his face with the help of a little bit of magic. However, if he had a possible solution, they had to take advantage of that.

No one said anything, they just limited themselves to gathering around the two beds and take some chairs to sit down.

Right after, Robert kept talking, while fixing his jacket.

-I am a member of The Clave, it wasn't hard to be informed about your arrival to the Academy. -"Now you care?" He skipped that part and went to the next. -The Clave keeps information about everything related to runes, magic, Shadowhunters, The Downworld... Studying those files, we reached the conclusion that your situation is temporal. -Before a incoming tide of questions came to him, he continued talking. -Traveling to demon realms always has a consequence. You almost stayed trapped in Edom, and after going to Eruleum, their dark magic unabled your runes to work normally, making their effects fade. As I said, its temporal, but requires of an antidote to help the process. We read about a similar case once.

Oh... So he studied that just as another case more... Not because he wanted or he cared... That, even if they didn't admit it, caused certain ache in the Lightwood siblings. Deep inside, they hoped Robert cared as a father, not as a Clave member.

-And the antidote? -Alec was the first one to talk after a few seconds in silence. -Do you have it?

-Some warlocks are getting it ready. I will bring it here once they have it.

Magnus couldn't hold back his impulse to smirk, he loved that a man like Robert had to depend on those Downwolders he disliked so much.

-Thank you, Mr.Lightwood. -It didn't come as a surprise that Harry thanked him, that he smiled. He wasn't forcing anything, he was truly thankful. Sometimes Matt wished to see evil in him, but at the same time, wanted to protect him from the World's cruelty.

Robert watched him and just nodded, not bothering to say a word.

Before he could stand up, Matt did so and left the room. He never thought he would be able to stand him that long without saying anything.

Again, Harry thanked Robert and left the room as well in search of the other Shadowhunter.

Matt had reached one of the balconies, letting the warm breeze hit his face and turn his hair even messier than usual. Was it his pride what enraged him so much? Was that bitter feeling due to Robert being the poison and at the same time the cure? Undoubtedly he was glad they had an explanation, but somehow, he wished they were still searching and for one of them to be the one finding the answer.

So lost in thoughts the boy was that didn't even notice Harry coming in, slowly approaching and touching his arm, just the brush of his gloved hand on his bare skin.

Matt turned a bit and smiled at his boy, a faint smile. He wasn't used to burning himself with thoughts, but when it happened, Harry was there to rescue him. 

A few seconds passed, both staring into each others' eyes, until the hazel-eyes boy gently touched the half warlock's hand.

-I needed some air... -Softly said, then his eyes went back to the landscape.

-It is alright. -Harry gave the boy a smile even if he wasn't looking and came a bit closer. He allowed himself a moment to admire that side profile, perfect jaw, the curve of his nose and throat, big eyes adorned with dark lashes.

Then, Matt noticed the deepness of that stare and fixed his eyes on Harry's again, who shyly chuckled, even his cheeks acquired a light red color. That only made the Shadowhunter smile, clearly proud.

Seconds later, he was cupping Harry's face between his hands and stealing a kiss, shamelessly, without asking or letting him talk. Impulsive as he was. 

Far from being bothered, Harry embraced him, his arms wrapped around his body, warm, as they shared that soft kiss, rhythmic. With time (and quite a lot of practice), they had become experts at savoring each others' lips, finding the perfect rhythm, when to surprise each other with gentle bites or allow their tongues to fight each other.

After the kiss reached to and end, Harry kept embracing Matt, even tighter and of course, the Shadowhunter closed his eyes, hugging him back, squeezing the warlock between his strong arms and making sure to not let go. Matt kissed the top of his boy's head, his temple.

Even if Harry instantly felt dragged to Idris, to that fairytale - like place, he understood Matt's reasons to eagerly want to go back home. 

Actually, Harry had to admit he missed Raziel's comfy place, even grumpy Church.

Tessa passed by the balcony and unavoidably had to stop and stare, a smile instantly showing in her face. 

-Sweet, isn't it? -She didn't need to look, she already knew Jem was right behind her. 

-It is. -He replied, just for her, a voice she could only hear.

Slowly, the woman turned around, meeting Jem's face, his dark hair stained with white, those runes on his cheeks and his still perfect eyes.

So many words untold, so many feelings kept inside their hearts, so many memories they still recalled. So close, yet so far.

-Thank you for your help, Jem...

Being called by his name, especially when she did it... Caused a certain uneasiness in him, probably because a Silent Brother was kind of dead inside, and he couldn't feel more alive when her sweet voice reached his ears, when her big gray eyes focused just on his.

-Nothing to thank me for. 

But she had so much to thank him for... However, words didn't come out, the woman just stared in silence with a smile and placed a strand of hair behind her ear.

Jem thought it was the moment to return back to the Silent City, that his job there was done, but again, her voice stopped him.

-Will I see you at Magnus' and Alec's wedding?

For a Silent Brother, it wasn't allowed to attend a wedding, yet, Tessa asked with certain hope.

-Maybe not in the wedding. -Finally said Jem. -But many more times for sure.

Both stared into each others' eyes, knowing that years, months, centuries would pass and they would still remain there. A Silent promise they made to each other without even knowing: never leave each others' side.

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