• Chapter 24 • Boarding ticket •

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Explaining why Ten was back wasn't precisely pleasant, especially with that pain hammering his head and all the voices annoyingly mixing around him.

-When have we been afraid? We literally went to Edom and...

-And we almost didn't come back. -Alec was sure that everyone could perfectly remember that experience, especially Simon, so his eyes focused just on Matt. -We can't go to Eruleum and risk another life...

Alec wasn't afraid of Matt's burning eyes, at the moment, he could swear that his twin would explode.
However, and for everyone's surprise, he kept his cool.

-Alright, so you all stay here and Ten and I will go. I don't need any of you, I will kill Amereth myself.

-Really? -Alec gave a step closer, faced his twin and soon, the alcohol scent from last night could be perceived.
It wasn't necessary to be an expert to guess he had a long night. -You think you can go alone and come back? You are so eager to be the hero?

What Alec hated the most, was the fact that Matt wad perfectly conscious about the situation and still, he wanted to make that reckless decision.

But his twin wasn't willing to give up, actually, he left the room and went to his, not looking back despite the desperate calls.

-Wait there, Alec!

The faerie was running to him, she found it hard hard to keep up with that tall boy, despite he was just walking.

-I am not Alec. -Normally, he would have laughed at the faerie's confusion, yet, he felt too pissed off.

-I mean... The other one! Can you wait for just one second?!


He said nothing more, he just opened his room's door in an attempt to reclude himself there.
Before he could prevent it, Ten slammed the door with her hand and stayed right in front of it, crossing her arms.

-You are going to listen to me like it or not, Lightwood... -It mattered little if she had to raise her face to look at him, she didn't feel little at all, or self-conscious.

Matt helplessly rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as well, leaning against the door frame.

-Be quick, I am not patient at all.

-You can't just go like that! -But curiously, she used to escape when the storm was close enough to notice the wind and the thunders. -You...!

-Thank you for the advise, very useful.

He put a hand on her shoulder, slightly pushed away and the next thing he did was enter the room and make sure to lock the door.
That boy was a rebel, impossible to tame, even more when his mood had similarities with a temerary hurricane.
In fact, that afternoon was apparently going to be followed by a night alike to the previous one.

That time, a couple of warewolfs were the ones who found it interesting to have the opportunity to flirt with a Shadowhunter, especially Matt, who was well-known in Taki's for his kindness towards Downwolders.

Matt wasn't under the influence of alcohol, but of rage, anger and sometimes that could be worse.
He didn't care about anything any longer, maybe what he had to do was live a frenetic life and let other things kill him instead of demons.

Those thoughts burdened his mind even when he went to the bar searching for more drinks.


At first, he didn't recognize the voice, maybe because his attention was somewhere else, but those red and pointy nails playing with the scratched wood of the bar and the glass with a bloody substance, gave him the answer.

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