• Chapter 3 • Butterflies •

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The day when Maryse and Robert Lightwood arrived to the Institute for staying, came sooner than expected.
That place instantly turned into a militar base, or at least that was the sensation.

-Do you think it is really a good idea that I stay?

-Honestly? No, not at all... -Simon shook his head frenetically, scaring Harry even more. -No, but listen... -He deeply inhaled, taking Harry's shoulders. -Are you listening?

The half Shadowhunter nodded a couple of times, clearly concerned.

-Perfect... 'Cause I'm gonna give you some tips... -Suddenly, Simon lowered his voice tone, looking at each side of Harry's room, despite being alone. -If Maryse Lightwood says something, you just agree... No questioning... Just: "Yes". And if Robert looks at you, lower your head, it's a sing of respect... And for the love of God, do not look him directly into the eyes, you could be challenging him... Same goes with Maryse.

After hearing Matt's parents and him arguing during that dinner, Harry already knew how frightening the Lightwoods could be, but after Simon's words, that seemed so serious, the other boy felt as if Edom was a nice option for hiding.

-And what I should tell them? That I'm a warlock or...?

-No! -Exclaimed Simon, taking his shoulders even tighter. -You tell them you're a Shadowhunter...

-And if they give me a witchlight or my runes are not working? And if they ask my age?

-Then you'll be screwed and I'll be praying for you...

Was that supposed to be reasuring? Harry could just stare at Simon, speechless, but Simon seemed pretty satisfied with his advice.

-Well, now you're ready. Come with me to the office.

Showing a big smile, Simon took Harry's arm for dragging him out of the room, despite Harry not being ready at all.
It was as if he was about to face Raziel itself, ready to judge him for his sins.

As soon as they arrived the office, Simon let go of Harry's arm.

-Aren't you coming? -Harry looked at him. He appreciated Simon's efforts, and he hoped for him to continue helping.

-Are you crazy?!

Maybe that wasn't going to happen.

-I mean... I... I have to go. My rune... Clary... Parabatai call! Yeah, that's it!

He grinned, anxiously starting to hurry down the stares. He could face Edom, Lilith, but not his parents-in-law.

Deeply inhaling, Harry knocked the door and seconds later, he opened it, not hesitating, but being careful.
The enormous and rectangular room had tapestries that told million of stories about Nephilim, about angels and heaven. Behind the wooden desk, a giant showcase led the sunlight in, illuminating every book shelve, the representation of Raziel that decorated the floor.

-Good morning... -He showed a sweet and calm smile, regardless being nervous.
Despite what they told him, he believed Maryse and Robert had their good things. -May I come in?

The marriage had their eyes already on the boy as they nodded.

-My daughter told me about you. You come from the London's Institute, right? -Maryse asked, while Harry took a place in front of her desk.

The London Institute? He barely new New York, how could he possibly know London? He would probably have a word with Izzy if he survived that questioning.
He hated lying, he was not very good at it, so it would be a miracle if Robert and Maryse trusted him.

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