• Chapter 4 • Autumn leafs •

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As a Shadowhunter, so used to be alert and always aware of his surroundings, Alec found it dificult to unwind and focus on enjoying how Autumn bathed the trees with orange, brown and yellow.
The leafs fell smothly, light as feathers and the breeze, not too cold, not too hot, pleasantly accompanied them.

-Red suits you, pretty boy. It may be the first time that I see you out of black or grey.

-Thank you... I guess I wanted to try something different. -Gifting Magnus a smile, Alec kept his hands on his pockets.
It probably wouldn't be a big issue to keep Matt's sweater, for sure he wouldn't mind.

Although Magnus felt glad that Alec was slowly getting out of his cage, he has the forebonding that the Shadowhunter still was under pressure.
Maybe he could ease that.

-But you know? Black really suits you too.

Who doesn't love a man in sexy black? Magnus definitely did, and believed Alec looked stunning in that color. Even more when he cutely blushed and the red from his cheeks contrasted with his moon-like skin, like during that moment.

-Thank you...

The boy was so unused to compliments that had no idea of what to say, he feared he could say too much, or to less.
Yet, the time to talk arrived.

-This month has been crazy with all the Institute stuff... -He caught Magnus's attention, whose cat eyes were on him already. -But I thought about you... About us... And I really want to figure this out... I know It's very new... But I'm all for effort.

After those words, Magnus's eyes softened, his tender gaze towards Alec, the fondness in that stare could be described as the beauty with which an artist would look at his best artwork.
That was the kind of feeling that invaded Magnus' heart when having those ocean eyes just focused on him.
Besides, even though Alec found hard to exteriorize his feelings, he was trying hard, and Magnus had to repay him.

-I've also been thinking of you actually... -And he said that quite annoyed with himself, he shouldn't fall so easy, but Alec made it difficult, if not imposible. -Maybe we kissed because of the highness of the moment, but then we kept in touch... Yesterday we kissed again and I started to doubt...

Both had stopped walking and now were facing directly at each other, autumn leaves silently falling around them.

-I know I'm not as perfect as Matt or as any other person that you have been with... But I promise to make you as happy as them, or even more.

Hearing Alec saying that broke Magnus' heart, felt as if his soul shattered into a million pieces and horridly ached. Of course he wasn't perfect, but he was the first one capable of tearing down those walls that shielded his soul, the only one that gave him back the capacity to be surprised again by the wonders of the World.
Alec Lightwood had nothing to envy, he shouldn't be comparing himseld because there was no need.

-Alexander... -Magnus' hands were now on Alec's arms, slowly tracing them until reaching his hands.

The way Magnus called his name could make Alec faint, the way his cat eyes digged into his soul was unique, a wrecking ball dsstroying his wards.
He could be confident, but also insecure, brave, but also a coward.
Love definitely made him unsure of his abilities, of himself.

-Do you really think I would want somebody else? Somehow, I've always known that the way I felt when you are close, is not common... And... -God, why was it so difficult? Not even that boy he met in Perú gave him such headaches. - I know it may seem strange, but even princes of hell feel vulnerable...

Magnus never thought he would admit how vulnerable he felt, how Alec Lightwood had the capacity to dive inside his heart and provoke him sleepless nights. There was something in the way he loved that made Magnus think that maybe, he was the one his wandering soul has been looking for.
On the other hand, Alec was conscious of Magnus' honesty, that if he had to tell the truth, he would, but at that moment, he was expressing the deepest feelings hidden inside his soul. That was the hardest honesty, and the warlock was letting his own walls fall as the leaves around them.

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