• Chapter 22 • Until we meet again •

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What a chaos the previous night, what an overwhelming tide of uncontrolled emotions.
Nevertheless, it couldn't be compared to the next morning.

The oratory had been decorated with white candles that faintly Illuminated the windowless room.

At the altar, the tapestry showing a surrowful Raziel, praying for his fallen warriors, seemed to be watching them.

Candles created a path to the table under that tapestry, where a framed picture of Harry laid.
He calmly read a thick book, dreamy eyes and his usual smile.

One by one, the Shadowhunters, dressed in white, approached the altar. His wrists decorated by green ribbons: Harry's color.

First Jace, then Clary, followed by Simon and Isabelle, then Alec, accompanying Magnus, who wore white as well, but a green jacket.
Everyone left white roses next to the picture, but Magnus left his brother's glove as well, conjuring green candles afterwards.
Clary decided the painting she and Harry created should remain there as well.

The last to approach was Matt, Maryse hugging his arm, kissing his shoulder and making sure her son had someone to lean on. She carried him as a baby, she would do it until his last breath.

They all had his heads lowered, silently spilling tears, silently giving that last goodbye, yet, they couldn't help but look at Matt, at how he left the rose and his fingers traced the photography.
The boy also placed there Oscar Wilde's book, the one they read together right before going to Eruleum.

Nothing but low sobs and the cracking candles could be heard.
Ten watched from the door, not finding the courage to enter. She still had to explain so much, she couldn't hide forever, but wasn't the time.
It was a private moment they must mourn together. 

Actually, it was a surprise that Matt could stand still, without flinching. His mind still refused to believe that reality, but it took him just another look to the picture to completely break down.

The boy fell to his knees, punched the floor so hard that his knuckles bled, his yells hurted his throat, yet, no physical pain could ever reach the one inside his soul.

Magnus covered his face with his hands, pressed his forehead with his fingers, grabbed his hair and felt hot tears tracing a burning path through his face. The make-up stained it as well, just like happened when Alec pulled him closer and the warlock sobbed against his shoulder, impollute white adquiring black shades.

Soft kisses were left on Matt's head by Maryse, caresses on his back and a warm hug that Alec gave him when kneeling next to him with Magnus.
Isabelle joined, shielded her big brother as he had been doing their whole lifes. It was time for her to try and protect her big brother.

Soon, Jace, Simon and Clary were also embracing them, creating a bigger shield for Matt and Magnus. They all lost Harry but them, a part of themselfs as well.

None of them noticed when Luke entered the room, silent, wearing white in sign of respect. Besides, he had taken a couple of books from the bookstore, which he placed next to the picture before squatting in front of Matt.

The boy had his arms against the floor, his face buried in them, his sobs were easy to notice due to the back spasms, to his shaky body.

What could possibly Luke say? Even Magnus Bane, that powerful and genuine warlock was broken, fragile as never before. But as a father, Luke had the necessity to be there, to do something.

The warewolf looked at Maryse, her eyes completely frightened, full of tears. She was so scared that Matt wouldn't be able to keep fighting for life. He fell in love once, as every Shadowhunter, and he lost that love, without having the opportunity of saying goodbye. 

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