• Chapter 29 • Unfair fairness •

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-The game is over, my boys... You've come really far... It is a pity that has to come to an end...

Amereth's scratchy and horrible laugh echoed as she walked a bit closer towards them.

She may be right... That may be their terrible end... All their efforts useless...

Or maybe not...

The ground shook, an eerie dust floated in the air.
Not confused at all, Asmodeus grinned, walked with his hands behind his back, watching the woman.

-If you are referring to your game... Then you are right...

And the icy walls turned into mirrors from where faceless creatures appeared.
A path of sand around them, just bones and dust... Edom's guardians obeyed their king.

-Did I do that? -Harry widened his eyes and watched his hands, then the creatures.

-Seems like it? -Matt stayed next to him, perfectly remembering those creepy creatures. -Come on, help us, attack the bad guys.

But the faceless monsters stayed still, apparently watching Matt even those they had no faces.

Matt raised his eyebrows and looked at Harry.

-I am your boyfriend, that makes me a king too... Why are you not obeying?

Asmodeus rolled his eyes and rubbed his temple. He was strongly regretting getting out of the prison.

-You don't have demon blood, or royal one... -Said, clearly pissed off, then looked at his son.

Harry nodded and took a deep breath.

-Thank you for coming... Help us, please...

Was he saying "thank you" and "please"? Magnus showed a tender smile and slightly shook his head. His twin was probably the sweetest king ever.

But the important thing was that those creatures obeyed and slowly, as if floating on air, traveled to Johnathan an Amereth.

The clockwork birds fiercely attempted to protect them but those enormous guardians took them one by one, held them in their bony hands without effort, as they kept inpassively walking.

The more creatures appearer, the weaker Eruleum seemed. The cielings shook, the ground craked and the gate's gleam flickered.

-Let's finish this. -Magnus held Harry's elbow, guiding him through the chaos until reaching the gate. -What in hell is she doing?

Harry stared in the same direction as his twin and saw Ten, still talking with Johnathan. At first, it could have seemed that he was threatening her, but the nig bird just listened, his pointy ears paying attention, his eyes cold, but curious, his fangs shining but not ready to attack.

-We can still change this... Come home... With me... -She took his big and cold hands, surprising herself by how heavy they were. Hers shook but held his tighter, not ready to give up. -You are not bad... You are not the villain... Amereth took you just because she wanted a child and made sure you never left her side... Kept this from you and turned you into...

-A monster... -Those giant wings slightly moved, now stained with Edom's dust. How powerful could words be when using them right... How meaningful... How tough to avoid... And if you combined that with a soft touch, with the eerie warmth of it, they could take you to a bottomless vacuum.

-You are a monster... -Faeries could not lie, Ten could not betray her thoughts. -But also my brother... I don't care if you look like this... I don't care if I bring you with me and you decide to kill everyone... My plan was to find you... What comes next, I will just improvise it... 

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