• Chapter 10 • Sharp edges •

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Receiving Isabelle's unexpected message asking for a portal to London was something Magnus didn't expect, but he was glad that the fiercer of the Lightwoods was ready to come back.

-Lightwoods are full of surprises, don't you think?

Harry approached for reading the message Magnus was showing him and instantly, showed a wide smile.

-But that's great! -He couldn't hide his excitement, every concern for Isabelle blew away with that message. -I love the Lightwoods.

He said that with such proudness and fondness, with such a big grin and glittery eyes that Magnus' cat ones were curious once again.

-They are... Quite magical... -Magnus touched his necklace with his finger tips, softly caressing it.

Alec's kisses from last night, his ocean eyes, every touch, every laugh, failed to leave his mind. That pretty boy was stuck up in his head, as Camille's words. Magnus still couldn't fine a way to describe Alec and why he cared so much about him, what was that thing dragging him to the boy remained a mistery.

His little brother didn't answer, in fact, he kept smiling, as he helped Magnus to fold his clothes.
That silent, that foolish smile proper of someone who was in love said more than a thousand words.
His twin was head over heels for someone, he just knew, his instinct told him and he was thinking about going for Matthew and threaten him a bit for putting Harry under his spell with no permission.

-Specially Matthew, right?

As soon as he heard that, Harry stopped what he was doing, he knew perfectly what he heard and her cheeks were already blushing. He didn't know if Matt would want Magnus to know, but he hated lying, specially to his older brother.

-I... Well...

-Could you bring that to me, please? -Asked Magnus, raising his eyebrows and pointing at one of his shirts that rested on the bed.

Harry nodded, still confused and snapping his fingers, the shirt flew to Magnus' hand.
Yet, the warlock let it fall to the floor when noticing those green sparks coming from his brother's hand.

-I knew...

Not hesitating, Magnus squatted in front of him and took his wrist, deeply staring at the other boy.
There was no doubt... It happened...

-Your magic, Harry...

-It changed... I... I know... -He recalled the moment he took Matt's hand, his heart still reacted by beating faster, his skin still shivered and his stomach was a butterfly party. -But I did nothing... I promise... -What if Magnus was mad? What if the reason his magic had change was a bad one?

-Of course you did! -Magnus frowned, coming closer. -You fell in love! -Another victim, and this time it was his brother, his pure and innocent little brother.

Harry's puppy eyes widened, as he tilted his head and looked at his hands.
Of course he knew he was in love, but he never thought it would hold enough power to even change his magic and making it match with Matt's eyes.

-Wow... -Every fear Harry was filling before, completely vanished. -Isn't it romantic? -He chuckled, completely excited, making those sparks appear over and over again. He loved his runes and his magic equally, but now, he had a soft spot for those glittery sparks.

Magnus rolled his eyes, was Harry truly elated? Not even a little nervous? Was he truly ready to open his heart in such a way? Of course, the first loves were always the ones that felt like faerie tales.
Controlling himself as much as he could, the cat-eyed warlock deeply inhaled and rubbed his nose bridge with his fingers.

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