Chapter 37 • That rune •

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They perfectly knew everything, right? They were warriors, they fought demons, even Hell, why the training then?

But their minds completely changed when they realized how differently their bodies reacted without runes, how they had to think twice before doing something.

-You very well know that runes help with balance, strength, aim... And you are less likely to improve those abilities if runes are doing the work for you. -Tessa had stepped in front of them, speaking clearly, but calmly, even though her eyes searched from time to time for that figure she saw in the corridor. Yet, kept focused and started handing some blades to the gang, normal ones, no need to carve runes.

-Maybe we can't put runes on ourselves, but weapons... -Started Jace, analyzing his blade before Simon interrupted.

-No. -He shook his head. -Clary and I tried, and it's useless.

Of course, Simon had to investigate, and he wished the results had been others, but at the same time, felt certain curiosity. He still remembered when he and Clary used to train to become Shadowhunters, how every inch of their bodies ached. Maybe that would be beneficial now.

But what intrigued them the most was the fact of seeing Tessa in her training clothes, holding a weapon and not a book. They didn't doubt her abilities, but wanted to see more.

Harry and Magnus very well knew Tessa wasn't a woman to mess with, so there was a moment when they shared stares at the same time, smiled at each other.

Seconds later, she was facing the target, firmly holding the blade, taking a deep breath as if she could feel London's morning breeze caressing her face, the fresh smell to rain.

However, the next moment, the blade hit the target, right in the center and she found herself smiling.

-Less rusty than I thought. -She turned around again and met those astonished expressions. Maybe she could surprise them even more.

And she did. With her back still facing the target, threw another knife and it hit the center, right next to the other one.

-You gotta be kidding... -Muttered Matt. Of course he had seen impressive abilities, great aim, he, as an archer, knew a thing or two about that, but for some reason, found it amazing that Tessa could hit the target so effortlessly without having trained for the past century probably.

A tide of proudness filled Jace's chest. That woman and him were related, Herondales were cool.

Clary noticed that smile, his golden eyes gleaming and smiled as well before going to take the knives from the target.

-Can I try first? -Her green eyes gleamed with excitement, a dreamy look Tessa couldn't ignore.

-Please. -Tessa gave her a kind smile and moved aside, watching her.

To Clary's mind came those training days with Simon, even the Academy seemed a different place now that they were Shadowhunters.
Yet, she had become too used to runes and the first knife almost got stuck in the wall, but the second one hit the target almost in the center.

-Well... It could have been worse... You could have stabbed any of us. -Magnus gave the little red head a smile. -It's alright, biscuit. You will nail it. -Somehow, he felt that impulse of protecting Clary, as if she was his daughter.

Clary smiled at him, nodded, already eager to keep proving herself she could do it.

Kindly, Tessa approached, gave her some useful advice and patiently let her try again.
They saw a teacher, a trainer, a perfectly trained Shadowhunter, but also a mother, a woman that would never turn her back on anyone.

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