• Chapter 33 • Abyss •

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If being back to normal meant hunting demons around New York at night, then they were definitely back in their World.

A week had passed and the trip to Eruleum seemed so far away that it almost seemed terrifying.

However, the weight of duty burdened their shoulders once again and that night, Isabelle, Simon and Clary were in charge of the patrol.

-Is it just me or the demons we found are less scary after Eruleum?

-It might just be you, Iz... I find them as terrifying as usual.

Both Isabelle and Clary found each other giggling after Simon's comment and the two of them wrapped their arms around Simon's waist, walking on each side of him.

-You got your Parabatai and your girlfriend protecting you, no need to fear. -Izzy winked, her nose brushed Simon's cheek but that was far from calming him.

-Watch out! -Suddenly yelled, pointing at the front.

An enormous and spider-shaped demon roared right in front of them after having jumped from a building.

-Clary, our skin care night session will have to wait... -Isabelle already had her whip ready, steady and fearless eyes on the beast.

-Then we better end this demon soon... -Clary tightly gripped her dual seraph blades and Simon readied his arch with a couple of arrows. -Simon...

-I know. -Simon answered and they smiled at each other.

Their connection before was impossible to describe but after carving the Parabatai runes on their skin, no words were needed.

Without losing another second, Simon took a couple of steps back, carved a precision rune on his forearm and waited for Clary's signal.

The two girls ran to the beast, Clary stabbed it with one blade.


Isabelle nodded, she had carved one agility rune on her skin and a speed one, so she climbed a pile of boxes that were next to the alley, she just needed another jump to be close enough and trap the demon with her whip.

That jump didn't turn out as she expected, she had fallen from the pile hitting the floor quite hard. The runes on her skin burned but she couldn't feel their effect.

-Izzy! -Alarmed, Simon craved going to his girlfriend, but saw Clary struggling with the demon and had to do something.

That horrid beast couldn't stop moving and roaring, Simon doubted that his runes were going to be enough, so trusting his aim and silently praying, shot an arrow, then the other.

It had not being on purpose, but they got stuck in the demon's forehead, dark ichor spilling. Clary just needed to stab it again and seconds later, the beast was nowhere to be seen.

Although she was breathing heavily and her heart pounded hard after battling that demon, she immediately ran to Isabelle, so did Simon.

The dark-haired girl had watched the scene from the floor, agitated, watching her runed arms from time to time, touching her body as if to make sure that her bones were still in place. Her stomach still felt tight, as if falling from that pile had been a direct jump to an abyss.

Anybody would blame her five-inch heels, but Simon and Clary knew her too well to just think she tripped.

Both helped her to stand and Simon traced an iratze just in case.

Clary watched her friend, touched her shoulder, carefully brushed her hair away from her face.

-I... I had no idea of what happened... -Isabelle took the whip from the floor, tangling it again around her wrist. -I wanted to jump and I fell down... As if I had no runes...

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