• Chapter 18 • Race against time •

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Hot water ran through his toned body. Every muscle attempted to relax as he tilted his head and sighed.
If the opportunity of heading to faerie presented to him at the moment, the boy would definitely not wait a minute longer.
Nevertheless, the reality was that they wouldn't be able to do nothing until the following day.

As he came out of the bathroom, steam spilled from the door. He was just wearing olive green tracksuit pants and waterdrops still traced his chest, wetting the waist of his pants.
Nevertheless, the boy was just using the towel for drying his black hair.

What a surprise to encounter Harry there, sitting on his bed, staring with a smile. Just the dim light coming from the lamp in the night stand illuminating him.

-Hey, need something? -Matt approached and his fingers traced Harry's cheek. Just having his sweet boyfriend there made everything better.

The half warlock's skin shivered, the soft and warm touch contrasted in the sweetest way with that strong appearance his boyfriend had.

-I wanted to talk with you... This morning I completely forgot about it. -Said, softly chuckling as he touched Matt's fingers with his.

Then, he stood up, the hazel-eyed boy carelessly threw the towel away so he could completely focus on Harry.

-What is it? -His hands touched Harry's arms, cold due to his short-sleeved shirt.

-First of all... I think that your mother needs someone... -He placed his hands on Matt's bare arms too, a considerable amount of runes decorating them, as well as several scars. Not that it mattered to Harry. In fact, he would love to know the story behind sach scar. -I accidentally touched her hand... Without my gloves... And I felt her pain...

Matt stayed silent, quite lost in his thoughts, until his eyes focused once again on the other ones.
Deep inside, he wanted to go to his mother, to ask, but as she said, they were both stubborn, she wouldn't tell.

-And the other thing you want to say?

-The other thing is that I went to Taki's this morning... I wanted to find answers... If we are going to fight Amereth, I want to be useful... My magic and my runes need to work, somehow...

-Slow down... -Matt's hands travelled from Harry's arms to his face, effortlessly cupping it. -You are not useless, alright? You are poweful even without magic or runes... It goes with the heart, not your powers.

Harry's eyes adquired that special gleam he always obtained when talking to Matt. His heart reacted immediately by beating faster, by sending shivers through his whole body.
His chest warmed and fondness towards his boyfriend was all he could feel.

Even though he found himself speechless, he attempted to say something, yet, the hazel-eyed boy traced his lips with his thumb, a soft caress as a feather.

-Don't talk... I don't want to talk... We're about to risk our lifes again... And the last thing I want is to worry about more things... -He sighed, as his forehead rested on the other one. -Focus on me... Trust me... We are going to figure this out together...

-I trust you... -Muttered Harry, his hand on Matt's bare chest. -But what if my powers instead of not working, get crazy? What if I hurt everyone, you?

There wasn't a hardest thing to imagine than Harry hurting someone, he would rather die than cause harm.

The Shadowhunter said nothing, his hands just searched for his boyfriend's and smoothly got rid of those heavy gloves, finally letting his skin take some fresh air.

-Supposing that you can hurt somene, I would let you shatter me into pieces, and play with them...

Brave was the one who faced love and its capacity to cross unexpected boundaries. Matt was definitely that warrior with no fear of those burning flames, he was willing to cross them and let his skin, his soul, become nothing more than ashes.

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