• Chapter 19 • Bronze gate •

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Walking through faerie was being easier than expected, and that wasn't a good thing.
Somehow, they knew that someone was waiting to catch them off guard.

-What's going on? You didn't say a thing since we arrived... I feel that... Something is worrying you...

Simon slowed down so he could walk next to Clary, his concerned eyes stared at her while a reassuring hand caressed her back.
They've been friends since ever, he didn't need a rune to know when something troubled Clary.

-Before leaving I... I saw Maryse, and Luke... They were trying to stop up...

Clary's green eyes shone with tears, yet, they wouldn't fall. She just looked at her Parabatai, took his arm in order to get that strength she lacked.
Nevertheless, Simon's puzzled expression indicated he would need a moment to organize his thoughts.

-And you think they will follow us? -But he could guess what ran through her mind.

-I hope not... I... -She took a deep breath, sighed and lowered her stare for a few seconds. She was sure that if she closed her eyes, Luke's image would apoyar -I feel guilty for leaving him again...

Simon wasn't feeling any better, the Parabatai rune made it even worse. However, its power could also be used in the reverse way, so the boy surrounded her shoulders with his arm and pulled her closer, kissing her head afterwards.

-It's going to be fine, Clary... Don't ask me why, I just know... 

Even if her thoughts consumed her, Simon's efforts for cheering her up clearly worked. Their bond eased her pain and he got her to giggle.
As long as they had each other, they could stop the World from spinning if they wanted to.

-I'll have to trust my Parabatai.

That kiss she left on his cheek, made Simon smile with satisfaction and relief as they both walked together.
Glimpses of happiness were sometimes enough to endure the pain, at least temporarily.

-This place would be nice if it wasn't for the fact that a crazy Queen is probably waiting for us... -Matt looked around, his hazel eyes perfectly combining with their surroundings, hazel, showing certain traces of brown and grey. He seemed no anxious at all and even fidgeted with one of his arrows.

-You make it sound funny... But it's not at all. -Alec took the arrow from his twin, who frowned and rolled his eyes. He wished for Matt not to be so careless, especially during missions.

-I just want to ease the tension... -Taking things seriously was something complicated for Matt, he hated the feeling of being afraid, and he wanted to embrance that descent to hell as an old friend.

It may not be the best idea to chat outlous, Ten knew better, but she considered it was their problem to solve if they got their asses kicked. She focused on the path, wet grass under her feet felt eerie despite being so used to it. Her long hair slightly rocked and made her skin tingle, silver eyes on her surroundings. The beauty of danger was something impossible to overlook, mostly because the moment she had been waiting for centuries was closer than ever.

As the unusual faerie she was, Ten was fond on nature, but didn't have the deep connection others her kind had. She just perceived that something was wrong, yet, the easiest was to ignore it and focus on the Bronce Gate: their first step.

-Are we close to the gate? -Harry's voice startled her, despite being as kind and soft as usual.

-No. -Simply said. What else could she say? She couldn't lie. -Maybe we will need to look for some place to rest. -And the girl definitely wanted to take a break. Time in faerie passed in such a different way that minutes seemed hours.

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