• Chapter 14 • Under the moonlight •

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Two weeks may seem little time, but the gang knew how to make the most of every second and they didn't lose one.
Every training, every patrol turned out to be pretty productive.
It was impossible to imagine that even during her free time, Isabelle took cooking classes from her mother.

-Now half a spoon.

-Which spoon? -Clearly confused, Isabelle showed her mother one big spoon and a little one, making the woman laugh.

-Wait, there are more spoons...

And then, Alec took from one drawer an enormous spoon, the one you used for pouring soup. The blue-eyed boy wasn't the best chef either and Maryse couldn't help but laugh even harder.

-By the Angel, how have you been surviving all this time?

Instantly, Isabelle and Alec pointed at Matt, who was sitting on one chair while checking his phone, smiling and completely lost in his thoughts. He even bit his lower lip from time to time.
It wasn't hard to know who was the person texting him.

-You know how to cook? -The woman was quite surprised, she knew so little about her children.

Matt, just nodded, not taking his eyes from his phone. How could he? His boyfriend was far more interesting than every other thing.

-Yeah, I know a thing or two. -Replied, abdsentmindly, since he wasn't paying much attention to the conversation.

-He just learnt because it's a good way of conquering.

Jace, who had just entered the kitchen with Simon, chuckled and Matt, moved his foot a bit so Jace tripped with it.
While the golden boy frowned and deadly stared, the hazel-eyed one smiled with satisfaction.

-Come on, boys, don't fight.

Maryse looked at them and instantly, Matt and Jace nodded, Matt back on his phone, Jace serving himself some coffee.
Only the insane ones dared to fight Maryse Lightwood.

-Pancakes are ready. -It was probably the first time in years that Maryse spent so much time with them, just having breakfast, like a family. That made her feel over the moon. -Isabelle cooked them for us.

Jace almost choked with his coffee and stared in horror, he started to regret entering the kitchen.

-What? You didn't have enough with the soup?

-Mom helped me. -She rolled her eyes, crossed her arms and Simon sweetly smiled at the way she frowned.

In fact, he approached and wipped some flour from her cheek, which he kissed afterwards. It didn't matter to him if Isabelle was terrible at cooking, he would always be her number one fan.

-Sure that they are delicious.

That was more than enough to make Isabelle smile, completely forgetting about Jace's words.

While they laid the table with Matt's and Jace's help, Alec was in charge of serving the pancakes with Maryse.

-How's everything going?

That unexpected question confused Alec, who looked sideways at Maryse.

-Good, I guess. -Small talks weren't his favourites, and he couldn't make it less obvious.

-And with Magnus?

That almost made him throw the pancakes away and speedly watch his mother's eyes.
Everyone already knew about him and Magnus, about Matt and Harry, but their parents too?

-I saw you that day, when you talked outside the infirmary. -She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. -It's okay... As long as you're happy.

-I am... -Still astonished and quite sheepish, he showed a little smile, that one he always had when thinking about Magnus.

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