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General POV
Riley had woken early even after the late night at the party. She just hadn't been able to go to sleep. Her mind would not let her rest for a single second so she had been on her phone the most of the night quietly watching Netflix. She found it much easier to sleep when Wanda was around and she was in her girlfriends arms but they had parted ways after the party. They had both wanted to stay with each other but didn't know if the other wanted the same thing so they went into their own rooms.

Riley was scrolling through Pinterest. She loved the app and it was a great way for her to pass the time. When the clock hit 4am Riley got up, she got dressed into her gym clothes, some shorts and a sports bra. She also grabbed her drinks bottle making sure to fill it up before walking into the training room, her headphones on and music blasting in her ears.

The girl attacked the punching bag with as much power as she could muster. Allowing her emotions to drive each punch. Her anger at herself, Hydra and her mind, her fear for the lives of the people she loved, her anxiety and tiredness. She hated all of it. So to relieve her of some of those emotions she attacked the training equipment. Riley had managed to wrap her hands this time so her knuckles wouldn't be so damaged.

Steve and Bucky had woken early. Bucky had had a nightmare and once Steve had helped calm him don't the couple were both wide awake. They had decided to train and spar with each other but upon arrival they realised they were not alone. They noticed Riley, well they heard Riley, every lunch was very loud. They could feel the anger radiating off her, and no one understood her more than Bucky. He had experienced this, and Steve had helped him through it but they were both older, by a lot, and knew how to deal with it than just beating something up, even though that did help.

"Riley" Bucky said gently, trying not to get her to attack him, but Riley was too focused to register who spoke so she turned around and got ready to fight, only to notice the two super soldiers. Smiling softly they walked over to her and Bucky wrapped her in his arms. Riley tried hard to stop the tears from falling, but to no avail as they slowly trickled down her face.

"Sorry" Riley offered as she tried to wipe her eyes, only for more tears to fall.

"There is nothing to apologise for, what wrong?" Steve asked, trying to get the girl to open up. Riley debated answering but eventually decided to.

"Just stressed I guess. I am frustrated at myself, I cant sleep without nightmares, the only time I get some rest is with Wanda by my side. I love having Wanda there but I wish I could be normal and sleep free from nightmares, I just feel like my head is so messed up and beyond repair and everything is going to come crashing down" Riley said "I don't know if that makes sense but" Riley added, Steve and Bucky nodded, understanding.

"It does get better Riley, it takes time. I felt exactly the same way after getting out of Hydra but I had great people around me. Lets ditch training and watch a movie, or a few movies?" Bucky offers trying to cheer the girl up, he finds himself successful when Riley smiles and nods knowing they can train later.

So they all head to the movie room and decide upon watching 'the hobbit' as Bucky read the book when it first came out. Steve got the trio some popcorn and drinks to go with the movie.

"I haven't read the hobbit so you'll have to be the judge, was this movie a good representation?" Riley asked once the movie had finished. The group had sat quietly during the film but had occasionally spoke to one another to ask questions or point something out.

"It was alright, It kinda follow the same stuff but was also different, it wasn't too bad overall" Bucky explained slightly unsure as it had been quite a while since he had first read the book.

"It was a pretty good movie" Steve said, he had been invested in the film so had spoken the least. Riley nodded.

"Do you want to watch the others?" Riley asked, she didn't want to be holding them back from doing anything but really enjoyed their company.

The couple nodded so Riley pressed play on the film.

After a few hours of spending time with Bucky and Steve, Riley slowly walked back to her room but upon entering the corridor her room was on she ran into Wanda, who looked very relived upon noticing her girlfriend  "There you are, I have been looking for you for ages!" Wanda exclaimed sounding slightly stressed.

"I went training then Watched some movies with Steve and Bucky, I must have lost track of time" Riley explained. Wanda frowned. Her relief turning into anger that quickly bubbled up, taking control over her body and blinding her. 'While I had been searching for my girlfriend, Riley had been watching movies without a care in the world' Wanda's anger corrupted her thoughts into something much more extreme, changing her reaction completely.

"You couldn't have let me know what you were doing? I tried phoning you but you didn't pick up" Wanda asked angrily "i have been searching the compound all morning just looking for you" She added angrily, this made Riley mad, all she had done was watch some films and all of a sudden it was her fault. Riley snapped back.

"Why are you so mad, Its not like I left the compound, otherwise I would have told you. I didn't know I had to tell you every time I moved rooms" Riley said walking away, exasperated, entering her room and locking the door behind her. As soon as Riley entered her room, her anger fizzled out as she gathered her thoughts, understanding where Wanda was coming from. She had been kidnapped by Hydra and Wanda was just concerned for her, but Riley could also admit that the compound was a big place and people move around so it would have taken a while to find anyone you are searching for unless you know where they are. Riley sighed, she would probably have had the same reaction so, couldn't really be so mad at Wanda.

Wanda ran a hand through her hair nervously, as she though over the conversation she realised how it would have sounded to her girlfriend "why did i say that, I'm so stupid" Wanda muttered to herself deciding to come back later, as she was walking away Riley opened the door, hoping to see Wanda still there. It had been no more than five minutes since she had closed the door.

"Riley, I'm sorry, I just got worried and overreacted slightly, I know it sounded bad but I couldn't find you and thought something bad had happened. I am so used to having you by my side all the time and I love being around you and-" Riley cut Wanda's rambling off by gently chuckling, she knew she would be doing the extract same thing in Wanda's situation. Riley did understand where Wanda had been coming from.

"I shouldn't have shouted either, I'm sorry Wanda. And I shouldn't have shut the door on you. I understand why you would want to know where I am after Hydra, it slipped my mind to tell you, I know the compound is a big place" Riley said. "You probably overreacted a little but though" Riley mutters gently. Wanda nods chuckling. "My phone had died, I had used it while training and forgotten to charge it in the night so I only got 15 minutes of music before the battery went out" Riley explained, Wanda nodded again.

"So what did you watch with the super soldiers then?" Wanda asks her girlfriend, trying to change the topic. Riley grinned, glad that the previous topic had been dismissed.

"The hobbit, Bucky had read the book when it came out so we though we could watch them" Riley explains, smiling at her girlfriend. She can never stay mad at such a goddess for such a small, and simple thing.

Hello readers, I am really sorry about not updating. I have finished my exams now so updating should be back to normal.

This book is already coming to an end. There is still a good 10+ chapters don't worry, but it is drawing to a close.

Also Thank you so much for 50 followers :) thank you for reading, and for being patient on this chapter.

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