67|Meeting Information

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General POV
The Avengers had all gathered into the meeting room as they had to go over the basics of their meeting with Fury to Vision, Bruce and Riley, just so everyone had all the information. Steve had simplified all of the information to give to Riley and Bruce, Vision didn't really need to hear any of the information as he could access the files that Fury created after every meeting that contained all of the information from the meeting, so Steve would always go to vision for help if he had forgotten to add anything.

"So, we have some plans to take town the rest of the Hydra bases" Riley's breath hitched, and her eyes closed upon hearing the word 'Hydra' but breathing in deeply, opened her eyes and caught her hardest to give Steve her full attention. She didn't want just one word to be her weakness, so she fought against her mind, trying to reassure her own head that she was safe in the compound and was amongst the people who could protect her most. She smiled wen one thought popped into her head 'My girlfriend is the most badass person ever and is super powerful, Wanda could take thousands of people down with just the wave of her hand. Sometimes she needs to do a killer backbend. But doesn't even have to touch someone to kill them' Riley let out a light chuckle at her thoughts but no one heard as they were, surprisingly, giving Steve all of their attention. Or they were actually just zoning out completely.

Steve had glanced over to Riley upon mentioning Hydra but he was pleased to see her smiling, he figured she had done the same as what he knew his boyfriend did. Bucky had explained to Steve that he tried to think about something else - the comment had implied something that Steve hadn't picked up on - or Bucky would try to reassure himself. Steve had also glanced at Bucky to see him also looking at Riley, smiling at her response. Once Steve was reassured Riley was alright he carried on.

"So we will be, over the next few months, be visiting any Hydra bases we know the location of. And Tony will continue to try and hack that USB which will help us locate more bases as currently we only know of the bases we have destroyed" Steve stated. Grinning at himself for getting 'USB' right as he had always forgotten the last letter on many occasions.

"Will everyone be comfortable with visiting the Hydra bases? I know that Bucky, Wanda, Pietro and Riley actually, all of us have some bad experiences with Hydra" Steve stated, Chuckling nervously.

Everyone nodded "I won't miss up a chance to rid Hydra from this world, they have done enough damage already so we should stop them from causing any more" Riley muttered, but in the silent room, everyone heard it. Agreeing with her they all nodded.

"Riley we also need to have a public announcement about 'the Spider' joining the Avengers. You will have to make an appearance at Capital Hill, in your suit, and ask a few questions and maybe take some pictures. Some of us will come with you so to start of the interview and introduce you but Fury wants us to make an official announcement" Steve says, sighing. He hates how they all have to do this, and cant just get on with their jobs.

"I know its not exactly convenient but we have to do it, maintaining public image and all that" Tony mutters irritated. He just wanted to do his job sometimes and move on from being in the spotlight. He defiantly enjoyed the spotlight but when he wanted to get the job done and Avenge, he hated it.

Riley just nodded "when will that be?" She asks curiously.

"We will have to arrange it so probably a few days, no longer than a week. Is that alright with you?" Steve asked.

"Well my schedule is pretty busy actually Steve, I don't think I could fit it in until. Oh, i do have a free spot in five years" Riley joked, everyone knew that Riley didn't have anything to do other than spend time with her friends, or family in the compound.

Steve chuckled lightly, "wow, we will have to postpone then. Due to Riley's busy schedule of doing nothing" he joked back, catching a few off guard. Steve was normally all serious in meetings according to many.

"Erm, hey, I do things. Like spending time with my girlfriend, my Avengers family and school" Riley muttered.

"Oh that Reminds me Mr Rogers, you were planning on going over Riley returning to school" Vision states, earning a sigh from Steve.

"I was reminded to Vision. Riley you will begin school again after your visit to capital Hill. Is that alright? Someone is going to pose as your parent and give you an excuse. We have a few options: You were drastically ill and spent some time in the hospital but have recovered. You were away visiting a family member who was drastically ill and passed away. Or you had an internship and had to take a break from school to complete some work that was extremely important" Steve explained, giving Riley her options.

"Those are all such generic excuses. But I doubt they would believe me if I said I was kidnapped by an evil nazi organisation. Do the internship one, Tony you can help out and email the school at the same time as someone phoning so it looks like a really realistic situation" Riley explained.

"Perfect" Tony says, pleased with the answer. He is glad to have the opportunity to take credit for something, along with helping out Riley.

"Is the second meeting of the day over with now? Fury's meeting was so boring!" Pietro exclaimed, bored.

"Was it actually boring because Pietro, you find a lot of things boring" Riley says, looking around the room, only to find Pietro's statement to be agreed with.

"It was really boring, No one paid much attention, that's why we are all listening to this meeting so we can go over what we missed" Wanda whispers to Riley, who chuckles and nods.

"Yes, the meeting is over. You can all leave. Thank you for actually paying attention to this one" Steve mutters the last sentence under his breath.

"Wahoo, freedom!" Kate exclaims. She hasn't been to as many meeting so finds the ones she does go to extremely boring.

"Can we watch some more of the show? Stranger things?" Peter asks, the teens couldn't be bothered to wait until Friday so decided that when someone suggested it, they would all, if they were free, join them in the movie room.

"Yes!" Wanda and Pietro said at the same time, which was something unusual for them. The two looked at each other, confused, but when everyone else agreed they all went to the movie room.

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