Take a Bow

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{ A/N : This is a new project I will be working on. I've now expanded my writing to girlxgirl and hopefully you'll all enjoy it.}

* Chapters will alternate between Character POVs*


F e n t y , R o b y n

Have you ever been so angry that you were calm? Instead of lashing out and destroying everything in your path, you remained unmoving, unwavering as the anger boiled the blood within your veins?

Have you ever been thrown into a situation you never would have thought you'd be in? The entire moment seeming unreal, as if you weren't in your body but watching from a veil as your outer shell moved around on autopilot?

As I stared into the eyes of the man I once held close to my heart, I feel nothing for him.

The butterflies that once swarmed inside of my stomach were replaced by the feeling of disgust and nausea. Just looking at him made me want to throw-up the hot wings and garlic fries I had devoured before I had stepped into the scene.

The thoughts about forever and a day with him were replaced with a monologue of self-chastisement.

How could I have been so stupid to fall into this simple trap, yet again?

Twice. Twice I've gotten captured by the sweet lies being whispered in my ears. Twice I've let myself fall head first into the seemingly perfect relationship.

Twice I've been cheated on.

The first time should've prepared me for this.

The first time my boyfriend at the time had cheated and shrugged it off as if it were natural to be unfaithful in a relationship. He had an indifferent attitude towards the whole situation. It was as if I was arguing with a brick wall as he showed no emotions at being caught in the act. I quickly tossed him to the curb and went MIA to fix my broken heart.

Now, here I stand in the bedroom Christian and I had shared many intimate moments in. I stared at his slightly bruised chest. Traces of forming hickeys scattered his abs and scratches extended around his shoulders.

Most women would have tears threatening to fall from their puffy rimmed eyes, yet I was stoic and emotionless as I watched him ramble an explanation.

"She didn't mean anything to me Rih. Baby, I'm so sorry." He explained as he pulled on some sweatpants.

I shook my head. Typical response to getting caught cheating. "You're only sorry you got caught Christian." I was tired of standing in this horrible room.

"You should just leave." I said. I turned around and began walking out of the room. As I made the first step down the stairs, he yanked me back.

"No!" He had shouted in my face.

"You're mine." He tightened his grip on my arm as I tried to pull away. "Nobody else can have you." He pushed me up against the wall and held me there, his grip ridiculously tight.

"You're going to beat me? Since you got caught cheating, you wanna make me suffer even more?" I seethed through gritted teeth.

Did he think he could beat the memories of some woman riding him on the bed we shared out of my mind. Did he think he could threaten the sounds of his grunts and her moans out of my ears? Did he think he could punch the images of his pleasure filled face out of my mind? Did he think he could slap the smell of her scent on his body out of my nose?

Well, I'd have to say he thought wrong. No matter what he did to me, no matter how many times he brought his hand upon my body to conflict pain, it wouldn't erase the damage he'd done.

Why had he thought that if he'd beat me I'd act as if I hadn't caught him in the act? Why would he think that putting his hands on me would make me stay?

Once the initial shock had worn off, I snapped. All the built up anger had released as I fought him back. I knew I wasn't as strong as him, but I held my own.

I kneed him in the crotch and watched him fall to his knee, groaning in pain.

"Ah shit!" He groaned, tears pooling his eyes.

"You look so dumb right now." I shook my head. "You look so ugly when you cry." I scoffed.

"Fucking bitch." He gritted.

I shrugged. "I'd rather be a bitch than an abusive, cheating coward." I calmed myself. "If you weren't serious about us, you shouldn't have led me on. We're done." I stepped around him and continued my descent down the stairs. I didn't have anything valuable here. All of my personal things were in my own condo. I only ever brought night bags for when I'd stay over.

There would no longer be a Christian and Robyn. We were over the minute he sought out affection from another woman.

Why did people get into relationships if they couldn't stay faithful. Don't boost my head up with sweet words if in the end all you're going to do is entertain other people as well.

People don't realize the damage that follows a broken heart. Some people never recover. Some people are able to cope and move on, but others aren't as lucky.

Something inside of me broke that day.

The last piece of sanity that held me together.

I would no longer engage in relationships, but merely the relation.

Because of Christian's decisions, I had turned into a heartless monster.

I no longer cared for the feelings of others.

My entire mentality changed.

Men were scum. Men would only bring pain into my life.

So, I would taste the forbidden fruit women had to offer.

There would be no love attached. I'd go through the motions for the pleasurable reward and be gone soon after.

I had made a name for myself.

I would be content with this lifestyle.

Guarded from the cruelties relationships have to offer.

I'd be the bad girl who broke hearts.





New Story : Rihanna x Jhene Aiko Ship .

Hopefully you all will latch on and enjoy the ride .

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