No Love Allowed

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( I just want to thank God for taking his time to sculpt her. She's the love of my life tbh. I'd sell my left toes to have a night alone with Rihanna. She's bae af. Y'all know Rihanna one of the FINEST celebrities. Like she don't got big ol' titties or a big ass ass 😂 and she's perfect. )

F e n t y, R o b y n

I ran my fingers through her hair and smiled as she slept peacefully beside me.

I was stupid to have thought pushing her away without giving her an explanation would do either of us any good. I should have sat her down and talked this through with her.

Could've. Should've. Would've. I can't sit around and mope about the "What Ifs."

What's important is that I have her in my arms once again.

As I began to drift asleep, her phone began to ring on the night stand beside the bed. I carefully reached over to silence it so it wouldn't wake her. When I picked it up, the name caught me off guard. Who the hell was "Loml 👭💕😍💦"

I knew it would be rude to answer someone else's phone, but I had to. I wouldn't be someone's other woman or some shit like that.

"Hello?" I asked cautiously.

"That's not my baby girl... Oh shit who is this? Did chu fuck my princess? Where is she? Daddy Chilombo gone kick my ass if I lost his daughter." She sighed dramatically.

"Um.." I cleared my throat. "She's fine. She's asleep. Call her later."

"Who is this?" The girl questioned.


"OH HELL NAH. You the bitch that made my best friend feel like a fucking bowl of mashed potatoes. How'd you talk yo way back into her fucking draws? You know what.... Wake her up right now. You're not the one who has to wipe her teary eyes the next time you start ignoring her. You need to leave her alone. She's fragile, easily broken and your hoe ass isn't gonna do shit but keep hurting-"

What I did next was very disrespectful, but I wasn't gonna let some random female talk about me.

I hung up and turned Jhene's phone off. I put it back on the table and returned my attention to the beautiful girl in my arms.

"You shouldn't have hung up on her." Jhene whispered in a soft, beautiful, sleep soaked voice.

"She said things I didn't like so I ended the conversation. If she has a problem with me ending a call, I don't have a problem with kicking her ass." I shrugged, wrapping my left arm around her as she cuddled to my side. I massaged her ass as we laid there, legs tangled together.

"You don't have to be so violent Robyn." I felt the vibrations of her laugh against my side. It was music to my ears.

"I'm not violent." I defended.

"You don't even know Gia and you're threatening to kick her ass. By the way, please don't lay a finger on the love of my life." Jhene said as she swirled her fingers around my stomach.

"You know, I'm glad you're breaking out of the shy stage. I want you to be comfortable around me. Speak ya mind, shit cuss me out if you want to." I laughed when I saw her cheeks turn a bright shade of red. "Anyway, I'm a need you to stop calling shorty the love of ya life." I said seriously. "It hurts my heart. It wounds me to the bone."

Jhene trailed her fingers up and done my abdomen for a while. "What are we?" She finally asked.

I bit my lip.

The commitment subject again. I wasn't sure if I wanted to make it official. I wasn't sure if I could function in a relationship again. I had trust issues to the max and I wouldn't want to put Jhene through a cycle of continuous suspicion and questioning.

"I'm finna be real with you. I don't share my personal business with just anybody so feel special." I bit down on my lip, organizing my thoughts. Jhene waited quietly. "I'm not all that perfect. I have severe trust issues. I got my heart broken too many times and it made me fear commitment. I know it's dumb to think this, buy I can't help but think all my relationships will end due to infidelity. I don't know if it's my fault that everyone ends up cheating on me,  but it happens every time." I sighed. "I don't want to be serious with you and a few months later you're laying in bed with the next person." I trailed off.

"I appreciate you telling me about your past. I don't understand how someone could cheat on you." She intertwined our fingers together. "If we do become official, you wouldn't have to worry about me cheating. Nobody really gives me a second look unless I'm drunk. I'm not the most social person. Plus interacting with adults terrifies me."

I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. I felt relief in my lungs. Maybe being with Jhene is a good decision.

I smiled. "Okay then. Jhene, will you be my girlfriend?"

She hummed. "Of course I will Robyn." She smiled brightly.

"Seal it with a kiss." I wiggled my eyebrows.

She kissed my cheek and tried to roll over. I held her arm and climbed on top of her. I pinned her arms above her head and poked my tongue out. I slid the tip of my tongue across her lips.

"Ewww." Jhene giggled.

I bit down on her bottom lip and that giggle turned into a moan.

"What was all that ew shit baby?" I asked. She blushed.

I pecked her lips a few times. I let her arms go and she wrapped them around my neck.

"What now?" She asked shyly.

"I have a few ideas." I smirked, trailing kisses down her neck.

I hope this works.

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