You Da One

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F e n t y, R o b y n

She cut me off by lifting her hand up. "No. Since so many people are worried about my business, you are going to sit there and listen to everything I have to say."

I raised an eyebrow at her.

I'm not going to lie. The way she talked to me was sexy as hell. My little lion cub finally learned how to roar.

I motioned for her to continue.

Jhene had told me about her entire life. I felt like such an asshole when she broke down about the rape and her pregnancy. When she finally finished, she was drained.

I wanted to bring that spark back into her beautiful eyes.

"So Namiko is the little girl from iHop that one day?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yeah." She said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry Kitty." I wrapped my arms around her. "I didn't mean to make you relive that time in your life. I was just jealous at the thought that you had a family with someone else. I'm truly sorry." I pressed a soft kiss against her temple.

"It's okay. I was going to tell you about Nami eventually. I was just trying to build up enough courage." She sighed.

"Can I meet her?" I asked. "Officially?" I added with a smile.

"Of course." She nodded.

I could still feel how tense she was. She needed more than words to ease the memories back out of her mind.

"Now," I laid her back on the bed and hovered over her. "Let me ease your pain." I kissed her softly while I slid my hand up her inner thigh.

I felt her fingers lock behind my neck. She pulled me down and kissed me. I deepened the kiss for a while before pulling back and looking into her eyes. "I love you."

I truly meant that. Somewhere along the journey, I had fallen in love with Jhene. I had allowed her access to all of me, my heart, my mind and my soul. I was as open to her as she was to me. I'd never felt this way towards anyone, not even Christian.

"R-Robyn!" Her legs shook as she reached her climax.

She looked down at me as I smirked from my position between her legs. "You scream any louder I won't be able to hear." I rubbed my ear for emphasis.

She glared at me as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. "Shut up." She thumped me on my forehead and wiggled away from me.

"Where you going? I'm not finished." I smirked, grabbing her thighs.

"Oh yes you are. I have to get ready for class." She grinned.

"Why you so excited about school?" I asked. "You bet not have no lil hoes at that school or I'm gonna have to personally escort you to class." Then I grinned. "I'm sure by the hundreds of hickeys on your neck they'll know to keep their distance."

"I told you not to mark me in visible places! Did you forget I work with children." She crossed her arms.

"Tell'em you had an allergic reaction to something." I shrugged while I ran my hands up and down her thighs.

"I don't like to lie to my babies. It makes me feel disgusting inside." She scrunched her eye brows.

I smiled. "You're so beautiful."

"Thank you Bunny."

I was about to lean over and kiss her when my phone rang. "I'll ignore." I said as I pressed my lips against Jhene's

She moved her head. "It might be important."

I smacked my lips before sitting up and grabbing my phone off the table. "What?" I asked angrily into the phone.

"Robyn." Jhene shook her head and gave me her "that's not nice" face.

I cleared my throat. "Hello?" I changed my tone of voice.

I heard some shuffling before someone finally spoke. "H-hey Robyn it's um, it's Lani."

"What do you want?"

"Can we maybe meet somewhere? We have to talk." She sighed. "It's really important."

"No." I didn't want to cut my time with Jhene short to see some past ho'.

"Seriously Rih, we need to talk. I can't tell you this over the phone. We need to meet up." Her voice shook. She cleared her throat. "P-please." She croaked before she sniffed loudly.

"Fine. Where?"

"Camille's diner on 15th street."

"Okay." I shook my head. "I'll see you in 10 minutes." I hung up before she could reply.

"See, it was important." Jhene said softly as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I have to go meet someone. Hopefully it won't take long." I kissed her quickly. "I love you." I smiled as the words were spoken.

Jhene blushed and kissed me multiple times. "I love you too." She trapped my bottom lip between her teeth before sucking on it briefly. "Hurry back?" She teased.

"You little tease. I'm really debating whether to go meet up with this person or throw you on this bed and -"

"Bye Bunny." Jhene giggled. "Go take care of business then come back and do those things you were gonna say."

"Yo lil freaky ass gone be the death of me." I sighed before grabbing my keys and heading out of the house.


"Why am I here?" I asked as soon as Lani sat in the seat across from me.

"I went to the clinic for my check up."

"Ok?" I rolled my eyes. "Be blunt because I'm not good at guessing games."

"I have HIV." She blurted.

I laughed. "Nah seriously."

"I'm not fuckin' playing Rihanna. I have HIV." She burst into a fit of tears.

I stood up and slapped the shit out of her. I hit her so hard everything in the diner halted. Everyone looked in my direction and waited to see what was next.

"What the fu-" I cut Lani off by punching her in the mouth.

"Bitch you better hope you ain't give me that shit or I swear to god you won't have to wait for this disease to kill you. I'll do it my damn self." I shook my head and stormed out of the diner. I got into my car and cried.

I should've known I'd have a scare like this with my wild lifestyle.

I wasn't even scared for myself. I had been active with Jhene and I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of spreading this disease to her. I'm praying to the gods above that I don't have this disease.

God, just when I thought things were getting better in my life.

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