Sparks Will Fly

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C h i l o m b o , E f u r u

    Fear and love are similar in many ways. 

   Fear is powerful. Fear has the ability to wrap itself around you and paralyze you. Fear can overpower any other emotions you may feel.

    So many people, including myself,  have allowed fear to shut them down and cause them to miss out on opportunities.

Love is powerful. Love has the ability to alter perception, make you believe one thing, while blinding you from the truth. Love can numb all other emotions you are capable of feeling.

So many people have allowed love to shut them down and blind them, causing the inevitable heartbreak in the end.

Fear and love are two damaging emotions, words, actions. Fear and love to a certain degree can cause pain and discomfort. In contrast, the two can also cause excitement, an adrenaline rush. The two can sculpt you for the good or bad.

I have a fear of love.

I realized this the moment my lips touched Robyn's. The moment those fireworks exploded around us that night altered my perception. I couldn't think straight. Not that wanting to dive into the depts of another woman is ... Straight thinking... But you get the point.

     I didn't want to end up with my heart in my hands once Robyn lost interest in a broken mess like me. I had too many issues. I was too submissive. I was too clingy. I was like a small kitten who got adopted from the rescue center. I would need time to adjust, reassurance, patience and care.

I wanted to go through the endless list of What Ifs, but that wouldn't do me any good to stress over possibilities that most likely would never happen.

"Don't tell me you and that girl going out again!" Gia, my best friend, huffed through the phone. "First you ignore me for that Tiana girl, now this bi-"

"Don't call her names if you don't know her. That's very mean." I said sternly.

"Look at chu. Already going ta this chick defense. I wanna meet ha. See if she's worthy enough to date my little princess." She cooed into my ear.

I rolled my eyes. "You are not funny." I got out my car and locked the doors.

"You luh-uh-ooove me." Gia sang.

"Sure I do." I laughed. "Alrrriiight. I'll call you later. Love you. Bye." I rushed out and hung up. I walked over to Robyn who was already seated at a table. I sat across from her and smiled. "Hi."

"Hey beautiful." She smiled back.

"This is a nice place." I observed my surroundings as I picked up the menu. "Have you already decided what you would order?"

"Yeah, the steak." She nodded.

"Oh. I think I'll have the Shrimp Alfredo." I shrugged and closed my menu.

The waitress returned and took our order. She mostly looked at Robyn who smiled at her.

"I'll be right back with your drinks." The waitress said before sauntering off.

I noticed Robyn's eyes linger on the waitress's backside for a few moments before she returned her attention towards me.

"How was work?" She asked.

"Oh. It was umm messy." I giggled. "The kids wanted to paint today and the majority of the paint got on their hands and faces."

I was a daycare teacher part time while I worked to get my degree at a local university. That's how I met Tiana. We were both struggling freshman year in the dorms and decided to go half on an apartment and room together.

I loved working with kids because I didn't feel scared around them. I knew they couldn't hurt me like most adults could. I felt comfortable around the rowdy 4 to 7 year olds.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"Uneventful." She shrugged.

The waitress returned with our drinks. I noticed how unnecessarily close she leaned down to place Robyn's drink on the table.

I bit at the inside of my cheek as thoughts began to swarm through my brain.

Why was this waitress blatantly flirting with Robyn while I sat here? Couldn't she comprehend that we were on a date?

Shortly after our drinks were brought, she returned with our food. I ate quietly. I didn't want to speak in fear of saying the wrong thing.

It wasn't my place to bring up these thoughts. Robyn and I aren't official... Probably won't be, so I have no right to cause a scene. Plus, the attention it would cause is terrifying enough.

"How are you enjoying your food?" The waitress asked Robyn.

"It's delicious. The steak is really tender and juicy." Robyn replied, licking her lips slowly. I noticed the little smirk she had as she continued to converse with the other woman.

I really wanted to disappear right now, but another part of me was livid that this woman ruined a date I had been ecstatic about attending.

"Do you two know each other?" I asked interrupting their side conversation.

"Oh, yeah. We go waay back. Lacey, this is Jhené." Robyn finally introduced me to the woman.

"Mhm. Rih gimme a call later. I gotta go assist other tables." She pressed a kiss to Robyn's cheek and walked off.

I kept my eyes on my plate as I finished eating.

"You done already?" Robyn asked as she took a sip of her green colored Margarita.


"You must've been real hungry." Robyn teased.

I shrugged.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." I frowned. "Why do you ask?"

"You came in here smiling, now you got a pout on ya face." She pointed out.

"I'm fine. Just tired." I explained.

"You should head on home then. I'll take care of the bill." She offered.

I made sure to mask the disappointment I felt at those words and nodded. "Okay. I'll talk to you later." I stood, grabbed my things and began to leave.

A terrible feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. Before I opened the entrance door, I looked back and saw how close Robyn and that Lacey girl stood together. Lacey laughed at something Robyn said as Robyn placed a hand on the small of her back.

I left the restaurant and got into my car. I refused to cry. I knew Robyn was a player. I should not have allowed myself to get so attached.

A broken soul like mine didn't have a mate.

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