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F e n t y, R o b y n

Commitment is a terrifying concept. Commitment is an agreement, a contract stating that you will give your all or put your all into a person, project, etcetera.

When you agree to commit to a person, it's permanent. You go against this agreement, you are a scumbag, a bitch, a whore, a player.

My views on commitment have altered due to my ex boyfriend Christian breaking my heart all those years ago.

Commitment is a promise meant to be broken. Committing to a person who you claim to love will subconsciously call every temptation in the book to scratch and claw their way between the two of you. When this happens, not many relationships can withstand these trials and tribulations. Many end in heartbreak, as mine did. However, there are the select few that make it through it all and have their happy ending.

I felt myself lose all control of the barriers I set. Jhené had managed to erode the hard exterior and reveal a side of myself that I thought I destroyed years ago.

I knew what I was doing on that date. I purposely chose that restaurant because I knew Lacey would be there and she couldn't resist me. I knew the road to pushing Jhené out of my life would be to show her that I wouldn't change.

Robyn didn't catch feelings. Robyn tossed them to the side and went on about her business. Robyn didn't do relationships. Robyn was only interested in the sex.

I knew this was the pussy way out of the situation, but when love is mentioned, it's time to two step out of the conversation.

"I haven't seen you here in months." Monae purred. "Thought you forgot about me." She poked her lips out in a pout.

"You know I ain't ever gonna forget about you Money." I called her by her stripper name, as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

Monae was a stripper at a gentleman's club in downtown. She and I had a few encounters. She was a beautiful dark skinned woman. She had curves in the right places, and her hair and nails were always done.

"Tank can get us a private room if you down.." Monae suggested, licking her bottom lip slowly.

"Nah, Ion do private rooms. I ain't trynna catch no disease in this place." I shook my head.

I don't fuck in a place where sweaty shrimp dick niggas come to bust a nut. I know the niggas on clean up duty don't clean up that shit regularly. There's no telling what grows in those private rooms.

"My shift doesn't end until 2." She sighed.

I looked down at my MK watch. It was only 12:30. I wasn't gone wait that long for some average play.

"I'll catch you on ya off day then beautiful." I kissed her cheek and moved through the crowd to the bar. "Aye Lani."

"Robyn you gettin' thick ma." Lani wiggled her eyebrows at me as she slid a shot glass over to a guy a few seats away.

"Shut up." I laughed.

"Nah I'm serious. Too bad you couldn't handle a woman like me. I'd be aaaaalllll up in that." Lani licked her lips, leaning against the counter between us.

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