Body Language

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( Look at Rih's baby. She so cute huh. )

( WARNING: Beginning has slight naughtiness in it. Not too much because it's Sunday lol Enjoy 😏 )

F e n t y, R o b y n

"Make love to me Jhene." I moaned, pulling her on top of me.

"It would be my pleasure Robyn." Her soft lips trailed kisses down my neck as I wrapped my legs around her.

My body shivered and shook at the overwhelming pleasure. It had been so long since I had done anything with anyone. I hadn't even looked at a girl since Jhene and I took our break away from each other over 8 months ago.

I didn't mind because I was pregnant, but after I had my baby, I couldn't wait to feel Jhene's hands on my skin again.

I bit down on my lip as she slid her tongue around my nipple.

I was silently praying that the milk did not come out at this moment and ruin the mood. These boobs had a mind of it's own since I'd given birth.

She smiled. "You like that?" Her smile turned into a smirk. "You're gonna love this next part."

She slid her tongue down my flat stomach.

It took a good 3 months to flatten my stomach after my baby was born.

She gave me a kiss right below my belly button and slowly spread my legs apart. She slid her tongue down my opening and after that, her tongue went to work inside of me. She sucked on my clit, massaged my lips, even inserted a few fingers.

When did my little Kitty become so nasty? She'd never been this good at giving head before. I hope she hasn't been practicing on other people.

I shook those thoughts out of my head as the tingling sensation began to build in my stomach. I held her head in place as I rode out my release. She licked up my mess and smiled at me.

"Yummy." She grinned as she made her way back up to me.

I shook my head and pulled her down into a kiss. I rubbed her ass before moving my hand onto her area and rubbed at a steady pace.

"I missed you so much." She gasped, moving her hips in sync with my fingers.

"I missed you more." I said honestly, speeding up the pace of my fingers. I felt her clenched around my fingers and she reached her peak shortly after words.

I sucked my fingers clean. She blushed and laid her head on my chest and intertwined our fingers together.

After a few minutes of silence I spoke.

"This was amazing, but I should get back home. I don't like being away from my daughter for too long." I explained.

I was still getting used to being a mother. I just loved holding my baby in my arms as she slept. I loved how she sucked on her little fists as she watched the world around her, it was extremely adorable.

"I understand.." Jhene had a sad tone to her voice.

"You could come home with me." I suggested. "Meet our baby and we could cuddle or whatever." Having my daughter made me extremely cautious of other people's feelings. Which is weird for me because I used to not give a fuck.

"Our baby." Jhene giggled.

"Your words, not mine." I chuckled.


When Jhene and I walked in the house, it was extremely quiet. I walked into the living room to see Mel asleep on the couch with A'laya laying on her chest. A'laya was wide awake sucking on her fist as she looked at the muted TV in front of her.

I picked up my baby and gave her kisses on her chubby cheeks. She smiled and gave me a slobbery kiss in return. "Mama missed you too baby."

"Aaaahhhh." Was her response. I laughed and held her in one arm as I smacked Mel gently on her cheek.

"Mel get up."

"Mmm up." She mumbled, her eyes still closed.

"Go get in the guest bed. Your back will hurt if you sleep on the couch." I advised.

"Carry me." She lifted her arms in my direction, her eyes still closed.

"Baby can you hold her while I take this lazy ass to the guest room." I asked Jhene loudly.

"Baby?" Mel opened one eye and saw Jhene standing beside me. She opened both and stood up. "OH THANK GOD YALL ARE BACK TOGETHER!!!!" She pulled Jhene into a big hug. "This is a happy moment. Good night." She walked down the hall to the guest room.

I laughed. "I knew that would work." I looked at A'laya, she was staring at Jhene. "That's mommy number two A'laya." I told the small baby. "Here, hold her."

Jhene took the child into her arms and smiled. "Hi. My name is Jhene, and I love you already. You're gonna have a big sister and she'll enjoy dressing you up. I'm gonna spoil you and-"

A'laya leaned forward and began biting Jhene's chin. She doesn't have teeth yet so it was mostly her soft gums and slobber. She cooed and placed her little hands on Jhene's neck.

"I guess you talk too much." I teased.

"Shut up." Jhene responded trying to pull our baby away from her face.

"Are you hungry baby?" I asked the small child as I grabbed one of her bottles. Jhene handed her back to me. "I'll feed her upstairs, you can go on to the room if you want." Jhene nodded and went upstairs to my room while I went into the nursery. I sat into the rocking chair and began feeding the child.

A'laya was only in my life for three months, and already she's changed me drastically. I'm more patient and stable. I don't drink and smoke like I used to. Hell I don't even associate with many people anymore. This little girl will be my life and I'm glad Jhene is here to help.

Once the small child was fed, burped, changed, and put to sleep, I made my way to my room. Jhene was cuddling my pillow as she slept. I smiled at how cute she looked.

I took a quick shower and then laid next to her in the bed. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her neck softly.

"I love you so much." I whispered before falling asleep as well.


This was kinda boring, I know 😭 and it probably won't get any better smh .

As this story comes to an end, do you have any unanswered questions?

I'm trying to tie up any loose ends and stuff.


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