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F e n t y, R o b y n

"Jhene, you need to eat something baby." I said cautiously.

"I'm not doing anything until I know if my child is safe!" She growled back at me.

It had been two days since she had received the phone call from Nami. We couldn't get into contact with her adopted parents. They were not at the house or any other place they frequented. We were at a loss as we had everyone on alert. Jhene had called her family and friends and I had done the same.

We had all three of their pictures circulating around in the city, and even on the internet. We had police assistance as well as underground assistance from my connections. I knew Jhene wouldn't rest until Nami was safe and sound, so I'd do all I could to help.

"Baby, please, you need to eat or at least take a nap." I pressed.

"Robyn, I said no." She said before walking out of the living room and down the hall to the bedroom.

I sat back on the couch and sighed. I placed my face in the palms of my hands.

I understood she was stressed out and worried about Nami, but she should still take care of herself. I hate that she's pushing me away even though I'm trying my best to be supportive. Hell, I just got her back less than three days ago and we're already in some new shit. I don't know what God I pissed off, but it seems like fate doesn't want Jhene and I together.

I rubbed my stomach. All this stress is not good for my own child. I'm going into a frenzy with Nami, and I haven't even properly met the little girl. I need to be focused on being healthy for my growing child.

My phone buzzed on the table and I grabbed it. It was an unknown number with a video attached in a thread. I tapped it and gasped as the video started. Nami had her arms and legs tied as she laid sobbing in a corner. Her mouth was tied and her face laid on the dirty concrete floor. I was atleast grateful that she still had on her clothes.

"JHENE!" I shouted. "COME HERE."

She quickly came running into the room and I handed her the phone. She looked at the video with teary eyes.

The video soon shifted and Nami's adopted mother came into view.

"You took my father away from me, and I guess it's time I finally take your child away from you." She laughed wickedly. "Little girls like Nami would sell for millions on the market." She smirked and the video ended.

Jhene stared at the phone and tried to process what the crazy bitch had said. I was confused as hell at what she had said. From what I know, Jhene never fucked with men  until that Tyrone guy she was with after me, so how could she have taken away anyone's father?

"She's related to one of those monsters and I let her raise my child.." Jhene placed a hand over her mouth and ran to the restroom. I stood up and made my way into the room to rub her back as she dry heaved over the toilet.

"What did you say baby? What monsters?" I asked once she stood up to her feet and rinsed her mouth and washed her hands.

"Of course they had families." She shook her head in a daze. "They ruined my life and their families lives too. Those monsters are rotting in jail, yet they are still ruining my life."

That's when it clicked. One of the men who had raped her back in the day had a family and they were now out for revenge.

"Look Kitty," I pulled her close and wrapped an arm around her waist. "She didn't block her number so all I have to do is call my plug and they'll have her location in less than 30 minutes. Stop worrying, we'll get Nami home safely." I pressed a kiss to her lips.

"I really love you Bunny." She sighed, resting her head on my shoulder.

"I love you too Kitty."


"What the hell you doin'?" Mel asked as I grabbed my gun and got out the car.

"Finna go kill the psycho bitch!" I said in a duh tone.

"Nah you finna sit yo pregnant ass down." Bey said.

"We got this Rih." Ciara added.

"Stay out here with Jhene." Kelly added as my girls and a few cops walked into the old house.

"God, please let Nami be okay." Jhene prayed, tears streaming down her face.

I wrapped a comforting arm around her as we waited impatiently.

"EVERYONE GET OUT ITS GONNA BLOW!" We heard an officer shout. We watched as they made it out of the building right before the explosion. I shielded Jhene as the boom rang through my ears.

"NAMI!" Jhene screamed, she tried to run towards the house but I held her back and let her bury her face in my neck and cry.

I didn't speak, there was nothing I could say to ease her worries. I rubbed small circles on her back as she continued to cry.

"It's all my fault." She whimpered.

"Don't you ever say that again. It's never the victims fault in a rape. It's those sick bastards faults. You were young and did a smart choice in putting her up for adoption. Although her creepy parents ended up being psycho, you only tried to do the right thing." I rubbed her back as she sniffed.

"Can we get out of here?" She avoided looking anywhere but at me.

"Can do baby girl." I opened her door and she got in. I got into the driver seat and drove away from the scene.

We drove around silently for an hour or so until Jhene began to fall asleep.

I pulled into a parking space in her apartment building and helped her walk up the stairs.

My eyes trained on the box in front of her door with a giant pink bow wrapped around the top.

"Stay here." I ordered. I cautiously walked over to the box and kneeled down. I tugged on the string and removed the top of the box before covering my mouth. "Oh god, call an ambulance Jhene!" I ordered as I pulled Nami out of the box. She was beaten and her face was barely recognizable.

I watched as Jhene cried into the phone. My heart ached at the scene around me. All I could do was hold the little girl's lifeless body in my arms.

God, please keep her safe. I might lose Jhene if Nami doesn't make it.

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