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C h i l o m b o, E f u r u

"Sean!" I gasped.

"I ain't even put it in yet." He huffed.

"I change my mind! I don't wanna do it."

"Ah nah, you not backing outta this!" He held my wrists in one of his hands as he began to push it in to my mouth.

"Ew." I choked.

"Come on, it'll taste good. Trust me."

Just as I was beginning to open my mouth, someone knocked on the door.

I grinned. "Let me go."

"Nah, who the hell knocking on your door at 3 in the morning?" Sean questioned. I shrugged. "I'm finna find out." He walked to the door and opened it. "Damn. What's yo name ma?"

I shook my head and walked over to the door. "Who is it?" I pushed him over and bit the inside of my cheek. "Robyn what are you doing here?"

She looked at me then to Sean and back. "It's late, I should've called and I'm obviously interrupting..."

I looked at Sean then at myself before laughing. I bent over, clutching my stomach. "Woo!" I stood straight up and pulled her into the apartment. "Sean please tell Robyn why you don't have a shirt and why mine is covered with a suspicious white substance." I grinned.

Sean smirked. "Well, we both were left high and dry at the strip club, so we decided to take matters into our own hands. Just before you came pounding on the door, Jhene was finna get this dick put aaallll in-"

I punched him in the arm. "Go to the room." I gave him a stern look.

He smacked his lips and walked into his room.

Robyn just stood there watching confused.

"Come sit." I sighed, walking over to the couch and plopping down.

She did as she was told.

"Sean and I-" I stopped mid-sentence.

Robyn and I aren't together anymore so I don't have to explain myself to her.

"Actually, I don't have to explain to you what we were doing." I wanted to sound confident, but it was more like a timid mouse standing up to a lion.

Robyn looked at me for a moment.

I took in her appearance.

She was still as beautiful as ever. It was only a little over a week since our break up, so I'm not surprised about the lack of change.

"I love you." She finally said. "I know I fucked up and shit, but I can't let this get in the way of our relationship. What we had was special and I can't lose that." I could see the tremble in her lips as she spoke. I could hear the raspiness in her voice.

"I want to believe you." I sighed. "I just... We were together almost seven months. How could you get infected if you were only sleeping with me?" I questioned. "Did you ch-"

"I'm not a cheater." Robyn practically snarled at me. "I was faithful. I-I don't know how I got the disease, but I'm positive I didn't get it by cheating on you."

"You can't get an STI out of thin air Robyn!"

"It was curable regardless Jhene!" Robyn shouted at me. "What? Are you going to hold that against me?" Her voice continued to rise. "Because of this one thing, you're willing to throw what we had away?" She had crossed her arms and looked me straight in the eyes.

I chewed on the inside of my lip as I processed everything she said to me.

Was I willing to move past this and get back with her? Could I be with her after she's had an STI?

We've had good- We've had great times together. She helped bring me out of that introverted shell I was in. We both opened up to each other. We've said 'I love you's. We've made love many times.

"I'm scared." I finally confessed. I hung my head low.

Robyn got down on her knees in front of me and lifted my head up so that we were eye to eye. "What are you afraid of?"

"What if next time it's a more serious disease? What if you get tired of me and toss me away while you go in search of a new girl? Wh-"

"Stop worrying about the 'What ifs'. Robyn cut me off. Just live life. There won't be another disease! I could never get tired of you Jhene." She held my hand in hers. "Baby, please."

"I..." I looked into her beautiful eyes. "Can I have more time?" I asked instead.

The hopeful spark in Robyn's eyes faded as she let go of my hands. She stood up and provided a large distance between us. "More time?" She restated. I nodded. She shrugged. "Whatever."

"Don't be like that." I stood up as well.

"What? You're obviously asking for more time because you can't tell me you don't want to be with me." She shook her head. "I knew this was a stupid idea." She chuckled heartlessly.

"That's not it Robyn." I tried to explain.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you all this time. I tried everything to get you out of my head! I finally grow a pair to come talk to you... And you're asking for more time." She angrily swiped away a tear that had fallen. "I love you. If the roles were reversed, I'd take you back because the pros outweigh the cons. I guess the same ratio doesn't apply in this case huh?"

I was frustrated. I couldn't get my thoughts in order and Robyn kept lashing out at me.

"Can you just leave?!" I blurted, covering my face with my hands.

Robyn stared at me. "F-Fine." The stutter was barely noticeable, but it was present. She once again took the trip to the front door of my apartment.

"Robyn wa-"

The front door slammed shut and I was once again met with silence. I was too drained to chase after her. My mind was going into overdrive. I couldn't think straight. All I could do was cry.

Somewhere during my meltdown, Sean came out the room and wrapped his arms around me.

I might've made things worse.

Comfort Inn ( Lesbian Story )Where stories live. Discover now