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( Gonna fast forward a year 😂 )

A year after Robyn leaves

F e n t y, R o b y n

"You like that baby?" Christian asked as he stroked in and out of me.

"Mmm yeah." I moaned responsively.

"Uhh." His shoulders hunched as he quickened his thrusts. A few seconds later he came inside of me.  He pulled out and got out of bed.

He walked into the bathroom and soon after the shower turned on.

I laid there quietly, rubbing my stomach in small circles.

This past year has been a roller coaster. In the beginning, I always fought back. I was a pain in the ass and I thought he'd lose his temper and send me packing, but he never did. So, I played along. I was the perfect girlfriend, thinking that would catch him off guard, but nope. That seemed to fuel his ego.

Now, I'm 3 months pregnant with his child. I had never in my life thought that I'd have a baby.... This would complicate things even more now.

I hated how long it had been since I last saw Jhene. I knew me leaving would look bad, but I would fix everything eventually.

"Bye baby." Christian said as he buttoned his shirt.

"Bye." I replied.

He gave me a sloppy kiss before leaving. I got up and got into the shower. I washed away the scent of him on me. I washed away the guilt and disgust.

When my skin was an irritated pink, I turned off the water and got out. I wrapped my towel around my body and stepped out of the tub.

I dressed and grabbed my laptop from the bedside table. I opened it up and a few seconds later the FaceTime call connected.

"Biiiihhhhhh!" Mel said. "You lookin' fine boo."

I rolled my eyes. "Lies. I look fat."

"I miss yo fat ass tho." Mel pouted.

"I miss you too boo. We'll be reunited soon, I promise." I sighed.

I hadn't had contact with anyone from back home. It really hurt my heart to be away from my businesses, my friends, and my family.

"Well bitch lemme give you this tea." Mel said.

I laughed. "Alright, what's been going on?"

"You ain't gone believe this but Onika done got married." Mel shook her head. "She runnin round town flaunting that dollar store ass ring."

I was shocked. "This bitch done tried to ruin relationships and some dumbass nigga wifed her. That's crazy."

"Exactly." Mel took a sip of her drink.

"How's Bey, Kel and CiCi doing?"

Mel looked away. She cleared her throat before speaking. "We're not on good terms anymore. Everybody's doing their own thing and we just fell off." She shrugged.

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